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Re: new quest idea

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:47 am
by tom1250tom
I was reading back over this idea I had from awhile ago and still love the premise for it with a few changes as I and others pointed out. The whole bringing toothless the blackwater brew is a waist and I think the person you should "find" is a bum on the streets of norcity. He (the ex-blacksmith) turns out to be a retierd blacksmith from blackwater and moved to norcity to search for a new life/the shadow. Long story short it didn't turn out well and he lives on the streets as a drunk because of the need for blackwater brew which no liquor compares. He doesn't trust you at first and you have to find an old friend of his in the bw city who befriends you because of the memory of the blacksmith (this could give you bw papers for those who picked prim). After you recive the papers and maybe a amulet for the blacksmith you return. He then tells his story and greatly expresses his disire/need for blackwater brew. You get him some and he feels his old self again and makes you a deal. Every time you bring him blackwater brew he will be able to temorarly remove the curse on either the bw knife or sword. This must be temporary because he no longer lives in blackwater where his old shop used to be. (this leaves also room for elongation of the quest or another quest all together from traveling back and forth bringing certain tools from blackwater to acomplish his spell removal. maybe even enough tools that he forgot and now can set up a true permanent blacksmith shop in norcity to remove curse forever)
Ps I think with these new lines the quest wouldn't need to "rewrite" any speach code for lodar or toothless though the coding might be hard for temorary removal of curse. Maybe 50 kill count re activates the curse?

Re: new quest idea

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:36 pm
by Melarec
The code would be something like *start timer: 3600; clear condition: bw_curse (whatever the ID is..); timer ends: clear: clear condition*
This would take the curse away for an hour, real-time. So, not so good if you give it to him and then close the game..

Like the idea of having a quest to help him open a blacksmith shop in Nor city. That wouldn't be hard either.. Just a *quest update: map change: whatever*

Re: new quest idea

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:44 pm
by Zukero
Actually, the code would be nothing like this at all.
ATM the simplest way would be to give another condition that negates those of the BW misery.
Anyway, the BWM set is already one of the most powerful there is, so I don't feel like boosting it even more would be such a good idea IMHO.

Re: new quest idea

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:46 pm
by Melarec
*too lazy to properly write out the language* :(

Re: new quest idea

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:39 am
by tom1250tom
Of course it would be "over powered" but that's the joy of only temporary removing the curse. It makes it so you always have a side mission to get those tools/bw brew for him(the blacksmith) and if they were spread out far over the map it would make for a very good ex gaining tool.