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Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:47 pm
by fiernaq
After 10,000 kills spawn an NPC near the room who compliments you on killing so many of *monster* and bestows upon you a powerful item (the item you were grinding for).

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:16 pm
by Mino
fiernaq wrote:After 10,000 kills spawn an NPC near the room who compliments you on killing so many of *monster* and bestows upon you a powerful item (the item you were grinding for).
That sounds good to me! And maybe one choice for the reply dialogue can be "I should kill you where you stand, for not showing up sooner" :twisted:

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:07 pm
by fiernaq
Heh... kill the NPC and get a pair of worthless boots because the legendary item was magically transformed upon the death of the NPC? :shock:

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:08 pm
by Mino
I didn't mean to actually kill him, just have that as a choice of response in the dialogue with him. Like in Remgard, when one of the townsfolk says to get out of the way, you can respond with "no you get out of my way".

But now that you've mentioned it, maybe the NPC can show up after your 10,000th kill (or 1,000th for Extraordinary items), and when you talk to him he says something like "ha ha, trying to get one of these? (holds up a powerful looking ring/sword/glove) Its yours if you can take it from me!". And then you can choose to fight him for it.

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:10 am
by Wyrmspawn
Mino wrote:But now that you've mentioned it, maybe the NPC can show up after your 10,000th kill (or 1,000th for Extraordinary items), and when you talk to him he says something like "ha ha, trying to get one of these? (holds up a powerful looking ring/sword/glove) Its yours if you can take it from me!". And then you can choose to fight him for it.

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:07 am
by OMGitsMe
Um, yeah... I totally disagree with npc's spawning and giving you precious items :/ It seems you guys are totally missing the point of these items, and the means to aquire them... For the sake of not repeating myself, I'll just make it short and sweet...

These items are rare, they are ment to be hunted for. If you don't want to "waste time," then don't. Like I said before, it is a game of chance on the time it takes to obtain said items, and if you don't like the odds, don't play. There are PLENTY of items you can buy, or obtain by other means that are powerful. You can also upgrade Magic Finder to assist you. If you know exactly when you will obtain certain items, it would just kinda take the pleasure out of FINALLY accomplishing your goal.

There should be NO CHANGES made to the system. You want the item, then you hunt for it... Simple as that. We have all had to do it, and they are trophies... Almost "status symbols" if you will. If changes are made, these items will no longer be as desirable. And that will ruin the title of "legendary."

Not trying to be a party pooper, but I think some of you are just to lazy to grind for the items the way so many have before you... Trust me, there is no better feeling when the monster spoils come up and reads:

2x regular potion of health
3x rock
Ring of Lesser Shadow
Ruby gem

It's worth it... Trust me.

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:28 am
by Mino
I have grinded for the items, and after the v0.6.10 update, I put 10 skill points into Magic Finder because of all the time spent trying to get the RoLS and not getting one. I'm speaking from having the experience of spending the time and effort to get all the L&E items.

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:44 pm
by Wyrmspawn
You can see that the system is kind of unbalanced. Some people get their ROLS at 35 rocks (no offense to whoever it was) and some people get it at 2500 or so rocks with lv 5 magic finder. You can see quite simply there's something not quite right with the system. There should be at least a set minimum and maximum to how much you should have to grind for something. Sure, I'd love to be so lucky as to get an ROLS at 35 rocks, but I'd hate to have to grind to 2500 rocks with Magic Finder 5, for that matter. So you should have a set maximum, and probably a minimum of how many monsters you have to kill, in some way.

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:23 pm
by Sarumar
I like to see some really hard chances in future... 1/50000, etc

I love current system... Lady luck do not love me :( , I have done really hard work to get them all in to my collection...I need something to do between updates, so I vote no change on this system.

Happy grinding

Re: endless grinding for leg items

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:28 am
by OMGitsMe
Wyrmspawn wrote:You can see that the system is kind of unbalanced. Some people get their ROLS at 35 rocks (no offense to whoever it was) and some people get it at 2500 or so rocks with lv 5 magic finder. You can see quite simply there's something not quite right with the system. There should be at least a set minimum and maximum to how much you should have to grind for something. Sure, I'd love to be so lucky as to get an ROLS at 35 rocks, but I'd hate to have to grind to 2500 rocks with Magic Finder 5, for that matter. So you should have a set maximum, and probably a minimum of how many monsters you have to kill, in some way.
I was the one at MF 5 and well over 2k rocks....

But got other items MUCH faster. The balance is fin IMO. It is supposed to be terribly difficult.

+1 with Sarumar.