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A couple of questions..

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:00 pm
by Selathor

Im new to this board and I realize some (if not all?) of these questions might've been answered already but I think we all know how tedious it is to search through topic upon topic trying to find an answer that is both accurate and up to date, so I'd like to apologize in advance.

Also, some questions might be considered spoilers, so if anyone still wants to find everything by themselves, you might want to pass up this thread.

Anyway, these are some of the questions I can think of right now,

1. Sup with the blackwater dagger(knife?)? Is it just useless or is there someway of getting rid of the negative effects? I've got the one without the poison if that makes any difference.

2. Im currently at level 24, wasted(?) 2 skill points into the more experience skill, start over or just go with it? Personally I feel like those 2 skill points could've been used on something more useful, but perhaps the gain is greater overtime and thus making me feel less like a moron?

3. Is the game still being updated regularly? if so, is it random, monthly or ____?

4. Any tips on good places to grind some exp and/or money? Right now im just climbing the blackwater mountain up and down trying to complete some of the quests there while cursing every minute of it. When I want money and exp I usually grind the flagstone prison until im satisfied, but perhaps im missing out on something?

Stats are:
Level 24
HP 61
AP 4/11
AC 160%
AD 20-27
CC 16%
CM 2.0
BC 45%
DR 1

Fine green hat (2% BC)
Superior hard leather armour (15% BC)
Irogotu's necklace
Flagstone's pride
Strong wooden tower shield (-6 AC 14% BC)
Ring of the guardian x1 (19 AC 3-5 AD)
Ring of damage (+6) x1
Troublemaker's gloves
Vacor's boots of attack

Also, with regards to my equipment, is there anything I should be looking for in a near future? If so, where might I find it?

I guess that's it for now, I thought I had more questions but I guess I forgot them...

Thanks in advantage,

Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:19 pm
by Sarumar
Selathor wrote:Hi,

Im new to this board and I realize some (if not all?) of these questions might've been answered already

All of them :D , but dont worry here you can always ask.

Welcom to the board

1. You can equip seweral BW items and suffer negative effect only one time - No cure.
2. QL is good skill in highter level you feel the differense. No need to start over, but in low level another skills are better ( more hp, more AP, yms)
3. is it random
4. BWM is good place to grind in level 24
5. There are sold excellent ring in the Crossroad, probably the best necklace in Fallhaven and severall better helms and some boots near of Crossroad..

Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:53 pm
by phydeaux
Welcome to the boards, selathor!
Sarumar beat me to the response... It's been a busy night for me, lol :)

Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:38 am
by mirajp1
and one advise for you that don't start over.
I have wasted 6 skill points which i could have used in a better place but i still continued playing because isnt't this game based on what decisions you make :P

Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:55 am
by Selathor

@Sarumar: Thanks for taking your time to answer the questions, much appreciated.

@phydeaux: Thanks.

@mirajp1: That's true. Besides, looks like the points I've spent on QL will be helpful later on.

Any tips on which legendary item to go for first? I've been trying my luck at the Ring of lesser shadow, 1000~ stones in and still no luck... I'll probably go for atleast 1500 before I take a break from it for a little bit, not sure if I should try grinding for another item or just stick to leveling for a bit.


Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:34 pm
by mirajp1
Selathor wrote:Hi,

@Sarumar: Thanks for taking your time to answer the questions, much appreciated.

@phydeaux: Thanks.

@mirajp1: That's true. Besides, looks like the points I've spent on QL will be helpful later on.

Any tips on which legendary item to go for first? I've been trying my luck at the Ring of lesser shadow, 1000~ stones in and still no luck... I'll probably go for atleast 1500 before I take a break from it for a little bit, not sure if I should try grinding for another item or just stick to leveling for a bit.

I would say RoLS and ROL are worth it but they are so slow to get if you are unlucky :P

Re: A couple of questions..

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:43 pm
by Sarumar
Selathor wrote:Hi,

@Sarumar: Thanks for taking your time to answer the questions, much appreciated.

@phydeaux: Thanks.

@mirajp1: That's true. Besides, looks like the points I've spent on QL will be helpful later on.

Any tips on which legendary item to go for first? I've been trying my luck at the Ring of lesser shadow, 1000~ stones in and still no luck... I'll probably go for atleast 1500 before I take a break from it for a little bit, not sure if I should try grinding for another item or just stick to leveling for a bit.

no prob.

The RoLS are the best