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Is there a place for hit and run tactics?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:02 am
by Spark
Second additional AP skill needs 30 level.
And as far as you can't divide 11 by 2 it seems there is not much benefit from early obtaining 1 AP.
I always search for alternative strategies in the game which can give additional benefit.
So I started to guess how one can utilize this skill until 30 lvl.

What if use this AP not for the attack but to hit and run, regenerate/heal strategy?
There is also Villains leather armor which reduces run action by -1 and evasion skill which give opportunity to run during battle.
And this is classical strategy for a rogue character.
Which makes sneak stab in the back and than hides in shadows.

But this could be useful only if there are some very fat or hard hitting monsters which are harder to kill but when you do, you are rewarded by xp and gold at least as good as for common 20 weak monster respawn kill.

My character is only 17 level that is why I ask more experienced travelers. Are there some areas where such strategy could be used, or it is better to stay with adding AC, AD, BC.

Re: Is there a place for hit and run tactics?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:15 am
by Pyrizzle
Getting the 1 skill point early does have it's advantages.

Let's say you have 11 AP (10 base + 1 for combat speed)
You can swing 2 times for a total of 6 AP (Could be 3 swings for 2 each or 2 swings for 3 AP each)
leaving you with 5AP left which is enough to Run, Use a potion, etc...

Hit and Run tactics will work in most situations as long as you have the space to move away from the NPC or something to move around (Making the NPC have to spend AP to get to you)

The Villain's Armor lowers your Move cost by 1Ap and the Coward's Boots also lower your Move Cost by 1 as well which can make Hit and Run even more effective depending on the Attack Cost of your Weapon and success rate of fleeing. (The Skill Evasion can help to lower the failure rate of fleeing)

At level 17 i assume you still have a very large portion of the world to explore... trust me, you will be glad you have these tactics when you are confronted by the larger and more difficult NPCs farther down the line (Like the NPC at the end of the Charwood Mine)

Hope this helps in some way. Happy hunting!

Re: Is there a place for hit and run tactics?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:45 am
by Spark
Thanks Pyrizzle, I did the same suggestion, but its better to know for sure. :)