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Charwood quest NPCs disappeared

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:25 am
by zair99
Spoilers ahoy!
Shortly after I completed the first Charwood quest to find the missing and/or dead NPCs, and then trained up in a couple new skills with the NPCs in the basement, my phone died. Battery issues where the darn thing will up and die when it says it has 40-60% left. Need a new battery. ANYWAY, that corrupted the auto-save, so I had to reload from a couple levels earlier before I started the charwood quests.

The proper save worked just fine until I got myself back up there to find that Falothen wasn't in the cabin he's supposed to be in, nor is he in any of the others in the area. I checked my quest log, and that step hasn't been completed. I haven't gone to see if Fayvara or either of the corpses are still there. I'd assume the corpses will be, but I'll update this when I check.

Interestingly, though, I still have the map revealed all the way to the mine even though I haven't been that far in this save.

EDIT: Fayvara is gone too, but both of the corpses are still there and counted towards my quest.
I don't know how the auto-save being corrupted would affect the permanent save, but it seems to have. I don't suppose there's any way to reset this quest or the NPCs?

Re: Charwood quest NPCs disappeared

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:06 am
by sorrow
Maybe its a bug..thanks.for reporting and welcome to the at forum.

Re: Charwood quest NPCs disappeared

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 6:18 am
by zair99
sorrow wrote:Maybe its a bug..thanks.for reporting and welcome to the at forum.
Thanks! Love the game, so I'm glad to help!