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can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 8:36 pm
by cran
I went way too neutral and didn't really side with Prim or Blackwater and I don't really have a near save point. I've seen the dude at the base of the mountain (edit: was "mountail") through the dark cave, but know I need the quest by Throdna. I've completed getting the claws and pretty much all other quests. I even tried back and forth to restart quest, but there is no real dialog between them. I feel stuck and no threads seem to point the way. Who do I talk to if I finished the quest without killing either? I will continue to search around and talk to everyone again in case I missed something, but would like a push in the right direction.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:51 pm
by cran
I talked to everyone in Prim and Blackwater again including the guy guarding the mine and the soldier guarding the blocked passage. Then made sure to retouch all papers (pretty sure I have them all). Then talked again to the guardian at the base of the mountain... Nothing! I might check later.

I think maybe neutral wasn't the best option. Does that lock out Kazaul quests if you go neutral or am I missing something? If so, maybe I will have to go all the way back... Which will suck, but I want past the guardian.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:26 pm
by Melarec
Does this help?
To do the quest with Throdna, you need to get into the inner blackwater settlement chambers.. iirc, you need to join a side for access.. Not sure how else to help. Maybe someone else knows a solution..
Happy hunting!
And welcome to the forums!

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:08 pm
by cran
Nope. Doesn't help. The quest is over and not in the quest list, and I helped neither side. So, there is no access that I can see. Thanks though.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 3:37 am
by ace
hi cran and welcome to the forums! can you tell me the last questlogs of the quests 'clouded intent' and 'agent and the beast'? you can find this in overview->quests.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 4:17 am
by cran
Hello, ace.

Both end with "I have decided to not help the people of [Prim/Blackwater...]"


I should note my route. The dude made me promise to follow East, so I did. Then when we met again (and he disappeared up the mountain), I backtracked to Prim and did all I could there (short of getting milk which I did later.. I had tons of bonemeal so didn't need a bed at the time). Then went to blackwater and thought they both seemed shaddy so started saying that I was helping neither one. Looking through the journal maybe should've swayed me, but I made up my mind and did it. Now I'm stuck in that area. I guess that decision wasn't the best.

Edit2: well, not stuck. Just can't get past the guardian dude in the dark cave at the base of the mountain. I've started killing flies, wasps, and things (green maze area, I think).. But ran out of those tons of bonemeal and have to build stock up again

Edit3: oh, ace, make sure to tell people to show conpleted or all quests. I didn't realize I could see them (I should have, but didn't occur to me), but surmised from your wording that it must be an option. Now I know. Not sure why I would think they disappeared with no way to see them, but I can be dense at times.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 6:12 am
by ace
actually there are options to show/hide complete/incomplete quests in the quest section but thank you for suggestion.
you should now try to take side with either prim or BWM by talking to guthebered and harlenn and if any option don't lead anwhere than I'm afraid you have to open a save file before visiting to BWM or prim, or worse is you have to restart. you can go past the kazaul gaurdian only after talking to throdna who is inside inner chamber of BWM and that chamber can only be accessed after siding with either settlement.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 11:52 am
by cran
Well, poop. Thanks. Is that a bug, or can you simply not continue unless you pick a side? Because, I have no choice gut to go back to an early save (at least I don't have to restart) since their dialog leads nowhere.

Those show/hide options are what I meant. I didn't know that was an option.

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:50 pm
by rijackson741
I think it might indeed be possible to get into the situation in which you find yourself. If you speak to Guthbered what are your available conversation options? Also, if you speak to Harlenn what are your available conversation options?

Re: can't find a way to inner blackwater

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:19 pm
by cran
I had to go back...
> Harlenn: You again? I want no business with you. Leave me.

> () Why are you people attacking the village of Prim?

> Harlenn: We?! Hah! It figures he would say that. They are always lying and cheating to get things their way. We have certainly not attacked them.

> Harlenn: It is, of course, *they* who are the ones causing all the trouble.

> Harlenn: They even captured one of our fellow scouts. Who knows what they have done to him.

Hitting "next" or "leave" closes dialog at that point... and in Prim

> Guthbered: You again? Leave this place and go to your friends up in the Blackwater Mountain settlement instead. We want no business with you.

> () I am here to give you a message from the Blackwater Mountain settlement.

> Guthbered: What message?

> () Harlenn in Blackwater Mountain settlement wants ypu to stop yourattacks on their settlement.

> Guthbered: That's completely insane. We?! Stop OUR attacks?! You tell him that we have nothing to do with what happens up there. They have brought their own misfortune upon themselves.

That only has a "leave" option.