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Ulirfendor / Quest "The Dark Protector"

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:41 am
by Kater Karlo
Hi there,

first of all: huge compliments for the questst around Ulirfendor ("An involuntary carrier", "I have it in me" and "The dark protector")!
They were the best I encountered so far (interesting, diverse, logic)!

And jet I have a question:
I decided to destroy the helmet.
But when I went back to the village nothing changed. They were still talking about the sickness.
Did I miss something or is that normal?

So I was curious and loaded a savegame, kept the helmet and returning to the village with the Dark Protektor on my head.
I did not notice any difference.

So does the destoying of the helmet "heals" the village or not?

Thanks again

Re: Ulirfendor / Quest "The Dark Protector"

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:17 pm
by Firefly84
You missed nothing.
I think that is a issue for future updates.

Re: Ulirfendor / Quest "The Dark Protector"

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:29 am
by Kater Karlo
Ok, thanks!