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Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:14 pm
by s_KAR
Okay so I know that the apk said that saves from this version might not work on any other version of AT, but I've played for a long time on 0.7.2dev and 0.7.1 crashes when loading the save files. Is there possibly any way I can play with the 0.7.2dev saves on 0.7.1? ... AzSlYwOElz
This is the apk build I downloaded.

Re: Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:03 pm
by rijackson741
There's certainly no easy way. It's possible it will load in 0.7.2 when it's finally released though, so don't delete the savefile(s) (that is not a guarantee, just a possibility).

Re: Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:42 pm
by Zukero
Nope. Saves made from dev build are tainted, and cannot be loaded on a release build. They may even crash when loaded in another dev build.
You *could* hack a new save to recover your progress, but it would require reverse engineering the save format, a task made slightly easier by reading the source code.

BTW, what did you think of the "animated moves" feature ? Encountered any issues ?

Re: Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:36 pm
by s_KAR
"Animated moves" really makes the game run much smoother. There is some occasional stutter when moving through a large map(scrolling through a section of a single big map) but it isn't super noticeable. Great work and thanks!

Can you tell me how to reverse engineer the save files? I'll try my best to get them back. I just went up 8 levels and I'd hate to lose them. But if it comes to that, I'm willing to replay from my last save file which I had backed up before installing the dev build.

Re: Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:03 pm
by rijackson741
You don't really need to reverse engineer the format, because the game is open source. You can just look in the source code. But then what? Your saved game is a binary file, so even if you figured out what the problem is you would have a lot more work to do. You could edit the binary file, but although that is possible it is not easy (especially if a large number of changes need to be made). If not that, then you would have to take the relevant pieces of the source code and write an app that would read your file in, and then write out a new, corrected file. Unless you you are an experienced Java programmer (and possibly even if you are), trying to fix your save game will take far more time than getting your 8 levels back by just replaying the game.

Re: Porting saves from 0.7.2dev to 0.7.1

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:22 am
by s_KAR
Okay. I've started playing v0.7.1 with my last save file. Thanks for all the help!