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Only one character at a time?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:19 pm
by ohioastro
Hello all. I've been playing for awhile, and wanted to try a new build. However, I'm warned that my current character will be erased if I do so. This seems a pity, as a level 48 character has some nice things - but the game is also trivial at this point, and other approaches would be fun to explore.

So, with this lead in -

1) Is it correct that starting a new character erases previous ones?


2) If so, are there any plans to change this in updates?

Thanks much for an enjoyable game.

Re: Only one character at a time?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 3:39 pm
by rijackson741
Hello ohioastro, and welcome to the forums.

Starting a new character will not overwrite any savegames, but will erase anything you did since you last saved. So as long as you have saved your game, and do not overwrite those saves, you can have as many characters as you want.