Suggestions for Defensive high level skills

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Suggestions for Defensive high level skills

Post by Mino »

In replying to another post (about Quick Learner), I realized that most of the high level skills are offense-based: Internal Bleeding, Fracture, Concussion, and Taunt (this one is sort of defensive too).

For someone like me, who uses most of my level ups on AC & AD, those skills aren't very enticing because I'm likely to kill most monsters before those conditions take effect. So I would like to suggest some Defensive-skills for those of us who have high AC/AD but low BC. The numbers and amounts are suggestions so feel free to change them if you think they're too powerful or weak.

Critical block (Max level 3): Reduces the Effective critical chance of any attacker by 5% for each level. And when struck by a critical hit, there is a 50% chance of the attacker's critical multiplier being reduced. Level 1 reduces it by 25%, Level 2 reduces it by 50%, Level 3 reduces it by 75%.

Example, with level 2 of critical block: if a Wooly Plaguestrider attacks, its effective critical chance against you would be reduced from 32% to 22%, and if it lands a critical hit, then the multiplier will be reduced to 1.5 for that hit.

To level up this skill, you need 1 levels of Dodge, 1 levels of Evasion, and 1 level of More Criticals, for each level.

Reverse-infection (Max level 1): If a hit from a monster causes a condition, there is a 25% chance the the condition will instead be inflicted on the monster and not you. This skill only takes effect if you would normally get a condition from the hit.

To level up this skill you need level 3 each of Pure Blood, Strong Mind, and Enduring Body, and 2 levels of Dodge.

Double-jeopardy (Max level 1): If you already have an inflicted condition from a monster's attack, and another monster inflicts a different condition, there is a 50% chance that the previous condition will be removed, so that you will only have 1 condition in effect.

To level up this skill you need level 3 each of Pure Blood, Strong Mind, and Enduring Body, and 1 level of either Regeneration or Corpse Eater.

This one isn't defense-based, but I'd still like to see it.
Better Attack (Max level 1): You can use this skill once on any purchased weapon with an attack cost of 6 AP or higher to permanently reduce the attack cost by 1AP.

To get level 1 of this skill, you need 2 levels of Combat Speed, 3 levels of Merchant, and 5 levels of Failure Mastery. Once used, the skill is no longer available.

I'm not sure if it would be too much trouble to program this since there would have to be a way to activate the skill - either activate and then be given a list of what weapons it can be used on, or long press a weapon and be given an option to use the skill.
Last edited by Mino on Mon May 20, 2013 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lvl: 206 XP: 159262572, Gold: 1657119, RoLS: 2, ElyR: 1, RoL: 1, ChaR: 2, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 6, SRoV: 1, VSH: 6, WMC: 1, GoW: 1
HP: 241, AP: 3, AC: 562%, AD: 116-130, CM: 3.0, ECC: 38%, BC: 139%, DR: 3

QL 25, MF 3

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Re: Suggestions for Defensive high level skills

Post by Wyrmspawn »

I've got an idea for a defensive skill too; I just read this book about the Shaolin Priests's legendary kung fu skills. (I know, I use this stuff too much :? ). Anyway, there was this entry about the ancients being able to create new palms from the air, like mirages. They'd start out the piece of Kung Fu waving two palms about, but after a while, it seems like they've got four palms, and after a while, four palms turn into eight palms, and then eight palms turn into sixteen palms... And so on, until they're surrounded by the palm mirages around them. This set of Kung Fu was known as the palms of the thousand-handed Buddha, and the longer you use it, the more hands you seem to have. But the point is, we could integrate this into Andors Trail.

I thought there weren't much benefits in going defensive before, but what if there is a skill that allows your block chance to increase once in every round of combat? A skill called, let's say, anticipation or Uncanny instincts. Your block chance would increase by one percent every round, making you more formidable every round. So quickstrikes end their battles quick, while bc builds get stronger every round.
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Re: Suggestions for Defensive high level skills

Post by Thystonius »

Agreed there could be more defensive skills. Like advanced bark skin, or the anti-effect skills improved (I rather put 9 skill points in dodge than getting 30% defense against all types of effects... 81% extra BC would do way more). Another problem, but that is more because of base AD being improved and weapons not relying on your base dam / everybody being a 'master' of all types of weapons, is that the high level skills might be powerful, but by the time you meet the requirements, your AC, AD and possibly BC is so high, you slay all the monsters fast and if they atack first, you do not get damaged much if at all... this game needs more content for high levels and a better balanced weapon system.
Lvl 74|XP 7,280,442|€ 364,324|2013.08.27
HP 229|AC 238%|AD 46-55|AP 3|ECC 25%|CM 3.0|BC 140%|DR 10|SR
RoLS 2|ElyR 1|RoL 0|ChaR 0|GoLF 1|ShaF 1|SRoV 0|VSH 0|WMC 0|GoW 0
WA 1|HH 1|Clv 1|BS 5|CS 2|CE 1|IF 5|Reg 1|DPS 1|DP 1|SP 2|LAP 1
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