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Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:58 pm
by carceris-magister
(Assuming everyone reading this group is immune to spoilers.)

I'm trying to bring a lawful, Feygard-aligned character through the game, and I've run into a problem in Vilegard. The character talked to Jolnor (no harm in that, right?), and agreed to talk to Wrye and Kaori. He refused to do anything about the guard outside the tavern, but agreed with Jolnor that it would be OK just to look around.

It turned out that Kaori wanted bonemeal (!!!), so of course, my character refused. He would have helped Wrye, except that she kept talking about the Sh***w (don't want to say the word) and trashing Feygard, so my character backed out of that, too. He did have a nice chat with the guard outside the tavern, as Jolnor requested, but of course didn't try to remove him from his rightful post.

The problem is that there's no way to terminate the quests now. My character has told Wrye and Kaori quite clearly that he won't help them—and of course, that means no points and no access to Vilegard shops—but it looks like all the quests will stay open indefinitely. Would it make sense to let a character tell Jolnor that it doesn't want to continue, after hearing about bonemeal, etc?


Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 3:03 pm
by Zukero
It would make sense. RP and consequences are great.

Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:11 pm
by carceris-magister
I might try that as my next PR, then. How is my last one (Mikael's dialogue) looking?

Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:02 pm
by Zukero
At a first glance, it looks good, but as for every complex script, it requires a rigorous analysis before merging.

Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:53 pm
by Ultimemmv
I think that if they are a problem it's only your fault, before choosing any issue on the main quest I save my game on another emplacement however if your only problem is with the shop of Vilegard I can say you that they are other equipement trully much interesting on another location than in Vilegard

Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 2:31 pm
by ace
Well, choices have consequences. And if quests are open for indefinite time it only means that, the villagers are ready to hear you out for indefinite time. Of course, if you don't agree to them then they obviously won't agree to what you have to say. And since the village seems to be believing in "unity", everyone in village will disagree and will not help you. However, you can interpret this as dealing with supporters of some evil organization but you still need something from them, so you double cross them (at least you can fool the priest). And helping a mother finding about his son is not against any type of morals. But still, you get to choose so choose wisely. Good luck.

Re: Need lawful exit from Vilegard quests

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 1:14 am
by airdrik
Another limitation you run into with this alignment is that after defeating the Hira'zinn and getting the broken sword, there's no way to resolve it because it can only be destroyed (or restored, though a lawful follower of Feygard probably ought to have it destroyed) by the blacksmith in Vilegard.

I can see two possible ways this could be resolved: one way would be to let that blacksmith destroy the sword, even if you refused to help the village, either because he recognizes it for what it is and realizes that this is for the good of the people or because you are able to impress upon him the need to destroy it (but he may utterly refuse to restore it, no matter how hard you try). The other option would be to allow other blacksmiths to destroy it (maybe one specific other blacksmith can take care of it, or any other blacksmith can destroy it but there's at most one other blacksmith who will restore it)

I will concur that helping Wrye with her son can be good to help show that their distrust of Feygard may be misplaced. Perhaps there could be ways derived to show the others that there is good in following the lawful ways of Feygard? This could perhaps tie into the sword shipment quest wherein you may suggest to the crossroads guard they won't need to send the shipment of swords if their trust in Feygard may be or has been gained.