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price varitions from vendors.

Unstructured ideas, requests and suggestions for the development of the game.
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price varitions from vendors.

Post by dirtydingo »

This might have been mentioned in an earlier post, I just didn't go through every page looking, but I feel that it would be better if depending on the location of a vendor, or easy it is to access the vendors location, the price should vary for the items, as well as the price they pay for items you sell. Instead of being a universal price list, if you take the time to travel all the way to the edge of the map to the road side vendors cabin, instead of buying in the local tavern, the cabin prices be slightly cheaper, or he pay slightly more for your items you are selling. If the prices are different from town to town, this would be an incentive to travel a little further for a better price. For example, if a minor health potion cost 5 in town A, and cost 4 in town B, but meat sells for 50 in town A, but only 35 in town B, this would force you to learn the different prices from vendor to vendor, and town to town, and figure out if it is worth traveling further for s better price, or is time of the essence, and have to settle for a price that is not to your advantage.

This is just s thought, but I feel it would make the game a bit more interesting for those who are starting out and trying to earn money. Gives them a change to buy low, and sell high, if they are willing to travel the extra mile.

Thanks for the game, I am enjoying it VERY much, can't wait f
or an update, I've gone as far as I can until we get some more story line.......... Please hurry, I can't wait! :D :D

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Re: price varitions from vendors.

Post by Minos027 »

Or possibly, selling certain items to certain merchants. Such as a sword to a smithy or food items to potion maker would get you a 0.5% increase... just a thought.
LVL:28 AC:192 AD:23-24 CC:57 CM:4.75 BC:39 HP:41 equipped: leather cap, villians leather, jewell of fallhaven, superior wood shield, vacors boots, troublemakers gloves, DotSP, and 2x polished backstabbing.
Do not judge based on ignorance.
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