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Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Discussions of the development process of the game.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Zukero »

For now, you can use either eclipse or android studio 2.x

I am working on porting the project to Android Studio 3.x but it's going to take some time. The issue you mentioned is one of the bothering ones. Maybe Gradle will help.
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AS 2.2.3 is working with sdk tools 25

Post by Gonk »

I finally got AS 2.2.3 working and run a debug build with a small map change on my phone.

It took my some time until the build environment was right and it compiled. The part, that took me the most time to figure out, was fixing the dx.jar issue. If someone else has the same problem: I had to uninstall sdk tools 28 and install 25.

Would it be helpful if I write down the steps for other newbies like me about how to setup the build environment?

Since you told me that content is most important, I will now continue developing my small experimental quest. I will present it in the forum when I have a working prototype and I know if I could implement the ideas that I have in my mind.
If you want to have a first contact with the code, adding the "random" requirement type to dialogue
I know the dialogue conditions and understand how a random condition would make the game more interesting if conversation flows could have some random parts. Is there some more information about this feature somewhere or could I just implement it the way I think is best?
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Gonk »

The existing content is American English (vs British English) like "armor", "honor", etc. We could add this to the content section.

We checked this be because recently some new content was in mixed mode and we had to fix it.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Gonk »

The (slightly outdated) wiki can be found at https://docs.andorstrail.com/.
Contributions to the wiki can be made via github:
https://github.com/sdevaney/andorstrail ... /README.md
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Uncubus »

Zukero wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:01 pm he two following documents are a must-read to fully grasp how he sees Andor's Trail: his interview with Hookshot Inc. from March 2012
That link leads now to shitty website. Maybe contains malware now.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by rijackson741 »

Hmm. You are right. It looks like hookshotinc was hijacked. Here's an archived copy:
https://web.archive.org/web/20120719165 ... ors-trail/
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Uncubus »

Thank you!
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by codingpcjatristan »

Could someone please officially reserve the area west of Stoutford for me?
I am currently creating maps for that area.
Someone also mentioned that there was to be something else placed in the west.
If you have the map of this area, could you please send it to me so I can be sure to incorporate it in my design?
And three more things; how do I know what size to make my maps, and is it possible to copy and paste trees from one map to the next? If so, how can I do this?
Lastly, could I also please be added to the development team?
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by rijackson741 »

We have some plans for an area SW of Stoutford, but if you head directly west there are no existing maps, and no plans. So do as you wish.

Way over to the west is Carn tower, but again there are no maps, so it can be pushed around as needed. Don't worry about it.

Maps can be any size up to 30x30. Make them fit together in the worldmap though, without "holes". Too small is not desirable. There are a number of existing maps that are kind of small, but that's because someone left a hole that someone else then had to fill in!

The dev team is an earned position. You can only get there by having created something (content or Java code) that ended up in the game. It doesn't need to be a huge amount of content, but something. You would also need to commit to continuing development. Not forever, but at least for some time. Also be aware that the dev team has another forum, which is the ultimate spoiler.

For the maps, you must follow the guidelines for layers. AT will only render Ground, Objects, Above, and Top. Those should be done in Tiled, as should the walkable layer. All other layers (mapevents, etc) should be done in ATCS. You must use the tilesets in the maps template. We can add other sprites, but it requires editing of source code (and the correct licensing requirements for the sprites).

I strongly suggest that once you have done your first map you send it to someone on the dev team. It's better to get told about possible problems with the first map that it is to create the same problems in multiple maps, and then have to fix them all!
Level:75, XP:7656192, PV:866, FQ:105
HP:226, AC:255, AD:47-61, AP:3, ECC:23%, CM:3.0, BC:192, DR:3
Gold: 241432 | RoLS:1, RoL:1, GoW:1, VSH:1, RoFLS:1, WoB:1
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by codingpcjatristan »

Thanks, Mate,
Also, how do I brush something with the walkable brush - can't seem to find it.
Also, if I directly place a tile under the walkable layer, is it automatically rendered walkable?
Thx in advance.
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