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Do you use GrapheneOS?

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Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by tactical371 »

It is supposedly the most secure and private cell phone operating system out there at the moment. Unfortunately, it is only compatible with Google Pixel phones, which are expensive.
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by Antison »

Pixel phones are worth ever dime. I've had 3. 2, 5 and 7.
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by tactical371 »

Each of those phones came out 2 years apart. Do they suffer from planned obsolescence or something that results in them being worn out after only 2 years? Or you just prefer the technological advancements of the latest model?

You should consider using GrapheneOS. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIZmUINSvQ4 and https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices.
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by Antison »

It's just me wanting the latest and greatest.
I've never heard of GrapheneOS and really don't have any interest in even watching at video to be honest
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by sdevaney »

I have it on my P6 which I use for travel. It's fine, not sure how it would be to daily drive.
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by rijackson741 »

tactical371 wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:43 pm Each of those phones came out 2 years apart. Do they suffer from planned obsolescence or something that results in them being worn out after only 2 years? Or you just prefer the technological advancements of the latest model?

You should consider using GrapheneOS. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIZmUINSvQ4 and https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices.
I also use Pixel phones. I have a Pixel 6 Pro. There is no planned obsolescence, but eventually things do get out of date. I have no plans to change my phone until I have no choice.
Level:71, XP:6493739, PV:608, FQ:84
HP:210, AC:212, AD:58-77, AP:4, ECC:16%, CM:1.5, BC:188, DR:3
Gold: 237559 | RoLS:1, RoL:1, GoW:1, VSH:1, RoFLS:1, WoB:1
HH:1, WA:1, CS:2, Cl:1, IF:4, Ev:3, Re:2, WP:DA:1, WP:1S:1, WP:B:1, AP:L:1, FS:DW:2, S:DW:1
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Re: Do you use GrapheneOS?

Post by RaptorNXT »

rijackson741 wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:44 pm
tactical371 wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:43 pm Each of those phones came out 2 years apart. Do they suffer from planned obsolescence or something that results in them being worn out after only 2 years? Or you just prefer the technological advancements of the latest model?

You should consider using GrapheneOS. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIZmUINSvQ4 and https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices.
I also use Pixel phones. I have a Pixel 6 Pro. There is no planned obsolescence, but eventually things do get out of date. I have no plans to change my phone until I have no choice.
I too use Pixel Phones. My Pixel 1 lasted for 5 years, and am currently using 4a. Smooth and fast as on day one, and getting all updates and security patches till now.

L = 90
AC = 352
AD = 47-63
CHS = 31
CM = 2
ECC = 19%

BC = 143
DR = 11

Shadow Regeneration

WA L2, HH L2, BS L2, CS L2, CL L2, CE L2, IF, Reg, Evsn, OHSP L3, SP L2
Fighting style: W&S L2
Specialization: W&S L1
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