v0.8.12.1 ("Towards Feygard" or "Of kobolds, fae, witch and troll", including bugfix) released to Google Play!

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cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

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cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by roberto »

After I finished all missions in 0.7.1, I guess what to do next.

Start a new character? Mmm.... no. Even if it will be interesting to do different decisions (i.e. I would like to sleep in Crossroads Guardhouse) at the same time now I don't feel it worth the effort.

Wait for release of 0.7.2? Mmmm... no. Endless amount of time to wait.

So, I start to see how to have more, but in a rogue way... all in all, younger brother of Andor is not that Holy Man that someone could think he is, right? Sometime the faster path is not the honest one. Don't blame me for this, blame who set the rules of this Universe.

So, without to read source code, I start to dig and study savegame files.
At the end I was able to have thousand of million of new eXperience Points, hundred of thousand of pieces gold, dozens of Oegyth Cristal's and so on.

Not bad for a young rogue guy.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by Zukero »

Yes. Editing saves is easy if you know how to do it. I did the same as a kid on old DOS games.
However, in a game like AT, it can also ruin a lot of the fun, which is why we don't encourage it, and neither will we accept a cheating guide on the forums.
Either you want to do it enough that you learn how to do it alone, either you don't.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by roberto »

The main satisfaction came because I understood where and how I must modify the savegame: the benefits in game is a consequence, not the main goal.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by LBL »

roberto wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:24 pm After I finished all missions in 0.7.1, I guess what to do next.

Start a new character? Mmm.... no. Even if it will be interesting to do different decisions (i.e. I would like to sleep in Crossroads Guardhouse) at the same time now I don't feel it worth the effort.

Wait for release of 0.7.2? Mmmm... no. Endless amount of time to wait.

So, I start to see how to have more, but in a rogue way... all in all, younger brother of Andor is not that Holy Man that someone could think he is, right? Sometime the faster path is not the honest one. Don't blame me for this, blame who set the rules of this Universe.

So, without to read source code, I start to dig and study savegame files.
At the end I was able to have thousand of million of new eXperience Points, hundred of thousand of pieces gold, dozens of Oegyth Cristal's and so on.

Not bad for a young rogue guy.
How'd you do it?
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by Nut »

Did you play the game already?
You would take away most of the fun, if you can go everywhere invincible from the start.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by Canuck »

Old thread, but AT is open source, so no bragging rights for reverse-engineering the save format: you can read it all in the source code.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by Rapnapuw »

I can't but I think I could mess with a hex editor.

I am a little curios because there seems a littel side quest about the ring of far lesser shadow, but you need the ROLS first. And to get them on a regular way is the most boring thing I can image, doing the same killing again and again for endless hours. Everything else I got already, so there is not much to cheat.
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Re: cheat the game to get all you want, fast and easy.

Post by Antison »

There's no side quests to that ring.
It's just a simple dialogue with an NPC.
"A home without a beagle is just a house"
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