Personally, i always consider resistance to be a better, or a more interesting design than immunity in most occasions. Why? Because resistances challenge the player to adapt with all the options they currently have, while immunities simply remove a certain option. Imagine encountering an enemy, where instead of trying to effectively use debuffs and stuns, you're suddenly forced to focus purely on raw damage.
Fortunately, this isn't a very signficant problem in Andor's trail, since the majority of the enemies are not immune to critical. However, some of the major enemies,
Here is the point: A build that focuses on attack speed (eg. quickstrike dagger) will have a disadvantage against enemies with high damage resistance, and a build that focuses more on damage will have a disadvantage against enemies with high block chance. With that in mind, why not make it so a build that focuses on critical will simply have a disadvantage against certain enemies, instead of having their main gimmicks simply removed.
What i propose is that instead of a complete immunity to criticals, certain enemies will instead have a less chance to be inflicted with critical hits, and each critical hit will inflict less extra damage. This also allows more flexibilites on how resistant the enemies are to criticals, where the relatively weaker enemies have around 20%-50% resistance, while their stronger counterparts have 60%-80% resistance, similar to how the relatively stronger enemies tends to have noticably more DR and block chance than their weaker counterpart (eg. Arulir vs Demonic Arulir)