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Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 2:12 am
by Pyrizzle
dirtydingo wrote:Thank you for clearing this up, I suppose there is a glitch in my game, when I click on any of the items I've mentioned above, the items info page lists them as extraordinary.......yes there are some items I own that lists as rare, but the items I have listed all say "extraordinary" that is why I enquired about them, can any one else confirm this, does these items list as extraordinary? And why do they list as such, if they are not actually extraordinary items? Thanks......not trying to buck the system, just asking.
The entire list that i posted above says that the items are "extraordinary"

For example:

Flagstone's Pride
Category: weapon
When Equiped:
AC(ap): 4
AC: 21%
AD: 1-6
CC: 10%
CM: 2.0
(two buttons 1 equip, 1 close)

That is the screen word for word when i select the sword.
All the items i listed earlier are extraordinary (according to the info section)

There are ALOT of RARE items in the game that i didn't bother listing either.

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:38 pm
by Samuel
dirtydingo wrote:the items info page lists them as extraordinary...
You are absolutely right and I was wrong. I didn't mention this until now. :roll:
For this items the drop probabilities differ from the item type attached. :?

I'm not sure if this is a bug. Perhaps Oskar intended to do this. He did mention the following about rare items:
Oskar in a mail wrote:At the moment it is kind of arbitrary which items are regarded as "rare", but my thought is that items that are somehow magical or that have an increased value are rare.
Perhaps it is also kind of arbitrary which items are regarded as "extraordinary".

However, I submitted a bug report here: ... ail?id=276

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:05 am
by dirtydingo
Cool, sorry, I havnt got back to you on this, but you know, life happens and I havnt been on in a while, I hope you didn't think I was calling you out, when I mentioned your name, it was merely pointing out your post, ( an excellent post, all your posts are very informative) but I was surprised as I was going back through my stash of weapons, of how many weapons I had that were classed " extraordinary" , I had been on the hunt for only three, then I was like WOW, I've got a bunch of em. Maybe it is just a bug, or maybe just a oversight in classifications, but it really doesn't matter I suppose. I merely was just wondering how many other items were out there that are classed extraordinary that I didn't have.

Again thanks Samuel, and I hope I didn't offend thee, for that was not atall my intention. :)

Happy hunting, and long live our merciful king, Oskar.

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:57 am
by ginorazon
May i know the stats of sword of shadows rage? And the berserker potion? Thanks. My quest choices didn't give me those. How sad...

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:38 am
by Pyrizzle
Sword of Shadow's Rage

Ap: 5
Ac: 21%
Ad: 3-6
Bc: 5%
On every Kill:
On source
50% chance of minor berserker rage (1 round)

The potion inflicts Minor Berseker rage:

Minor Berserker Rage:
Ac: +60%
Bc: -90%
Dr: -1
Raises Max Hp +35

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:09 am
by lady black
I think that the boss drop items (100% drop rate) should be classified Unique, not Extraordinary, which is defined as having a 0.1% drop rate.

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:40 am
by Sarumar
lady black wrote:I think that the boss drop items (100% drop rate) should be classified Unique, not Extraordinary, which is defined as having a 0.1% drop rate.
+1 good point, that will make things easier to understand.

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:35 am
by Samuel
There is a "bug report" here: ... ail?id=276
But I think Oskar wants it like it currently is.

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:14 am
by der_Hosenwyrm
lady black wrote: Extraordinary, which is defined as having a 0.1% drop rate.
Clearly that is not the case :D

Re: Extraordinary Items? updated....

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:24 am
by nyktos
again, item classification is going to be changed "soon" for many reasons...
this issue will be cleared up by what is currently planned.
