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Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:30 am
by Taledus
modified original post

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:59 am
by sdevaney
Check the Content Editor.
Click on the Items tab and you can see everything that could be a possibility for an item.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:06 am
by Taledus
I was thinking of a template for submissions that could just be filled in, but that is even better.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:36 am
by sdevaney
Taledus wrote:I was thinking of a template for submissions that could just be filled in, but that is even better.
Not saying to use that. But if there is going to be a template it should include every option for each item type with a description. Then people can use what they want, as long as its balanced of course. ;)

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:43 am
by buddyCasino
Great idea, but it needs some people to maintain it. I would volunteer for it.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:30 pm
by Taledus
I think first people would need to know where to look for the Content Editor, then have to swap back and forth between tabs trying to fill in everything. Mainly the reason I was proposing a predetermined list would be so that people would be able to see everything right in front of them. Just in case they forget to propose how much AP is going to increase from the item...this would help keep from a bunch of needless discussion throughout the post just because the forgot to include certain things. If the item wasn't going to add anything to BC, you could tell quickly because the spot would be empty.

The forms would be somewhat structured too. This would add for a more professional submission process for fully fleshed out ideas that simply need some minor tweaks to "possibly" work for the game, as opposed to one or two lined posts that need everything worked out for them.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:20 pm
by sdevaney
Taledus wrote:I think first people would need to know where to look for the Content Editor, then have to swap back and forth between tabs trying to fill in everything. Mainly the reason I was proposing a predetermined list would be so that people would be able to see everything right in front of them. Just in case they forget to propose how much AP is going to increase from the item...this would help keep from a bunch of needless discussion throughout the post just because the forgot to include certain things. If the item wasn't going to add anything to BC, you could tell quickly because the spot would be empty.

The forms would be somewhat structured too. This would add for a more professional submission process for fully fleshed out ideas that simply need some minor tweaks to "possibly" work for the game, as opposed to one or two lined posts that need everything worked out for them.
Sounds like a plan to me.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:56 am
by nyktos
this is such a relief...


there are so many great ideas coming in,
and to have members step up & help out is a real breath of fresh air.


making sense of all this information can really boost productivity...
i (we? they?) [ :lol: ] will message you guys soon about making something happen.

streamlining things will really boost the project's productivity!
[a very - very - good thing!]

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:46 am
by Taledus
As much as I thought this idea would have taken off only 8 people have voted. While the majority is for something like this, there are still 3 people that are "unsure" or "not enough info" which I should point out that my idea is trying to bring a sort of professionalism to the game suggestions...criticism, constructive or not, is always helpful and will allow for the idea to tweaked in order for it work before heading off for the next process - decision by the head honchos as to if and what portions of the idea that will be implemented. I have put forth the best effort I can to clarify everything pertaining to this, but please feel free to post on which issues need more explanation.

Right now the only specific thing I can really think of that is not included is the other forms for the sticky threads. Those really need more input by the developers on what is needed, like what is being left off of current ideas that would help having included.

While I am at it, Content really covers a very vast area of the game. It could be substituted with sub-forums for "Graphics" for graphic submissions, & "Game Mechanics" for stuff like my crafting idea which requires some hefty changes to the engine, or perhaps a unique spell system that went along with the game, or perhaps a change to the way combat is calculated...the list is endless. I have not read every single post in this forum to be honest so I am not sure if the sub-forum list is sufficient to cover all the areas.

Thanks for the support so far on this idea though! I am glad I have been able at least suggest something helpful.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:37 pm
by fiernaq
On another game I helped with we differentiated "ideas" from "suggestions". Anyone could post an idea but in order for it to become a suggestion they had to get it approved of as a finalized version by X number of people. Each idea had to include full versioning meaning that if you made any changes you had to list them as a change log. People could +1 a particular version of your idea and once a particular version received enough +1s a moderator would move the opening post into the suggestion thread and lock it as a finalized suggestion. The idea behind this is that no partial suggestions would be cluttering up the suggestion thread so the developers could easily look in the suggestion thread and determine what they would or would not work on. They used colors on that other game but if our forum doesn't support that the devs could just as easily change the title to "[APR] - Suggestion X" or "[DEN] - Suggestion X" or "[LATER] - Suggestion X" or even move them into folders with those topic headings.

Basically, this changed it so that ideas had to become finalized (gone over by the community until there are no major flaws left) and approved of as something desired by the community before they could make it as suggestions. This puts the majority of work on the person with the idea as they now have to keep a change log and try to fix any flaws the community point out if they want their idea to become a suggestion. Doing this kept our suggestion thread clean and efficient while giving people a chance to comment on ideas and offer changes to them in order to create suggestions that were approved of by everyone.