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URW - Crafting

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 6:55 pm
by fiernaq
Something Nyktos mentioned in another thread about the desire to make AT more "realistic" as far as the simple things go made me remember another game that I used to play quite a lot. UnReal World (abbreviated URW) is a PC game that at first glance looks quite similar to AT but was designed by a couple of finnish dudes to be as close to realism as they could possibly make it. Of course, this led to an extremely complicated game that not everyone can enjoy but at the same time it highlighted several key components of a successful realistic game. In fact, if you're looking for ideas for improvements I would definitely point you towards URW to find out what AT (a much younger game) can do to benefit from lessons learned in older games. Obviously, the translation from a PC game that uses the entire keyboard down to a mobile device that has only a touchscreen would be difficult and I don't encourage outright theft of ideas but I do think that URW could be the source of many suggestions if people knew about it.

Hopefully I stayed within the forum rules by this post but if not please let me know how I could reword my post or what else I could do to not cause any trouble. I didn't see any "free discussion" thread for talk of other games or I would've put this there.

As for a direct suggestion, one of my favorite parts about URW was the ability to make just about anything provided you could find the right materials and your applicable crafting skills were high enough to succeed. I realize this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to implement this early on but in future versions of AT I would like to see the ability to progress through the game without requiring as much combat. In other words, crafting or working on a profession should be a viable alternative or at least supplement to just going out and grinding the snake caves for example.

Being a PC guy I'm entirely unfamiliar with coding for android devices and don't know how easy or viable an option this would be but I would definitely look forward to being able to build a log cabin for my AT character or forging a customized sword in the fires of Mt Remgard using adamantium collected by attacking a dragon and forcing it to breathe fire on the mountain, melting the rock and exposing the valuable metal. Knocking a frog out with a blunt weapon and using it as bait to fish in the river for water monsters with the fishing pole I made from a nearby sapling or planting apple seeds in the little plot of land near my house in order to have a steady supply of apples later in the game...

Ok, I could go on but I think you get the idea. Btw, the whole apple thing would make for a nice beginner quest to help you not have to rely quite so much on the snake cave :P

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:45 am
by Pyrizzle
I've been playing Aion on the side and it has alot of crafting in the game, but for the most part i see many of the players really disliking having to do alot of gathering to go then craft (usually both take a good chunk of time) when they would rather be out finishing quests, Fighting PVP battles, or exploring new maps. I would rather see more maps to explore than have crafting, IMO crafting would take away from gameplay. :mrgreen: (But i am sure there are alot of people who would disagree with me)

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:25 pm
by Antison
Pyrizzle wrote:I've been playing Aion on the side and it has alot of crafting in the game, but for the most part i see many of the players really disliking having to do alot of gathering to go then craft (usually both take a good chunk of time) when they would rather be out finishing quests, Fighting PVP battles, or exploring new maps. I would rather see more maps to explore than have crafting, IMO crafting would take away from gameplay. :mrgreen: (But i am sure there are alot of people who would disagree with me)
I would not disagree. ;)

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 12:37 pm
by mdmedlin
I can see crafting in a way that you bring items to an NPC and have them do the crafting for you. With quests and the like to get better items.

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 1:28 pm
by lady black
I would still like to be able to cook my meat rather than eating it raw. It heals better cooked, too.

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:09 pm
by buddyCasino
I would like crafting as an additional path that you can go in order to advance your character (Better equipment, saving money on self-made potions etc.). But to require crafting in order to be able to solve the game or certain quests? Only if it fits with the overall spirit of the game.

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:33 am
by Pyrizzle
Idea: You give all your random items to a crafter and as you have the supplies needed to make stuff it would become available to you for a small fee (maybe 20 gold per item) This would also keep the extra gear out of your inventory.

Your Supplies Stock:
Polished Gem: x316
Ruby Gem: x1,210
Sharpened Gem: x213
Polished Sparkling Gem: x452
Small Rock: x3,123
Glass Gem: x121
Izthiel Claw: x634
White Wyrm Claw: x816
Claws: x726
Bone: x926
Insect Wing: x154
Insect Shell: x173
Poison Gland: x923
Animal Hair: x552
Rat Tail: x129
Small Empty Vial: x582
Empty Vial: x204
Empty Flask: x867
Empty Potion Bottle: x925
Irdegh Poison Gland: x219
Dead Spider: x183

Items that can be created: ((Example))
Major Potion of Health:
x1: Empty Potion Bottle (x925)
x25: Ruby Gem (x1,210)
x3: White Wyrm Claw (x816)
You can create: 48 Major Potion of Health
The cost would be: 960 coins

You could withdrawl any number (as long as you have the supplies) but as you take them out the supplies get used up as well.

So after you took out 48:
Empty Potion Bottle: x877
Ruby Gem: x10
White Wyrm Claw: 672
You can create: 0 Major Potion of Health

**Yes all these numbers can be ajusted and the potions, weapons, and other items avilable would have to be created as well, this just an idea**

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:48 pm
by fiernaq
buddyCasino wrote:I would like crafting as an additional path that you can go in order to advance your character (Better equipment, saving money on self-made potions etc.). But to require crafting in order to be able to solve the game or certain quests? Only if it fits with the overall spirit of the game.
Agreed, I wouldn't want to force crafting on anyone but I also don't want to be forced into grinding in order to gain levels. Basically I just want there to be more than one way to reach level X. No, I'm not saying to make crafting the be all end all solution for gaining levels like speedy gonzales but it would certainly be nice to take a break from grinding to go craft for a while without stopping your level up.


+1, definitely a viable option although I think half the reason I like it just because it'll help me keep my bags empty (I can't stand a cluttered bag :lol: )

Re: URW - Crafting

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:00 pm
by nyktos

Crafting I - only able to combine / modify "simple" supplies into new items / gear

Crafting II
- now able to combine / modify "moderate" supplies into new items / gear

Crafting III
- now able to combine / modify "advanced" supplies into new items / gear

Crafting IV - finally able to combine / modify "complex" supplies into new items / gear

(this would require Oskar to categorize items - as he is planning for the next update)

we gotta make the new ideas fit into what we can actually implement

Craft any item - relocated

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:11 pm
by Taledus
Moved@my docs/Items/CraftAnyItem