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Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:59 am
by Pyrizzle
[combined the two thread on Arenas together]

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:56 pm
by Sarumar
Wyrmspawn wrote:Maxdamage: One minor problem. Some people have been grinding so much that they are acclaimed Gods or Demigods in AT. Examples include Nyktos, Pyrizzle, Mino, Tek, and Sarumar. All of the VIP members have at least one build at or above lv 100. I think Nyktos and Sarumar are trying for 300. I've got about two builds at level 30. So... Sarumar could probably take on all of my builds bare handed. I can see a minor problem here.
It is already done... current (barehand) stats are; lvl 303, AP 4/12, AC 394%, AD 148, BC 240%, HP 530.. .. so any (lucky) crit build can beat me. Problem starts when i got crit hit weapon on my hand.. current ECC 40% and CM 6 with severall level of Cleave makes the real difference :twisted:

But you should not fear, i will spare life of any frog lover.... :twisted:

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:51 pm
by Mino
Maybe a future boss should be a warrior with Sarumar's stats, or he can be the highway baron so you can pay him to let you go. Maybe a hit and run tactic can work on him.

I don't think cleave will matter if we were to fight each other though since it would be one at a time (I assume).

But back on topic, if this were to happen I'd go with Scottdog's idea since it can be worked to be part of the main quest and would have everyone inside get the same stats.

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:50 pm
by scottdog
Mino wrote:Maybe a future boss should be a warrior with Sarumar's stats, or he can be the highway baron so you can pay him to let you go. Maybe a hit and run tactic can work on him.

I don't think cleave will matter if we were to fight each other though since it would be one at a time (I assume).

But back on topic, if this were to happen I'd go with Scottdog's idea since it can be worked to be part of the main quest and would have everyone inside get the same stats.
That's why you should be told to unequip all your items if you want to fight in the arena, all players should start on a equal setting say 80 HP, then like I said choice of weapon with same AD, AC ,
Bronze trident
AD=10 -20 on a successful hit

Ancient ball and chain
AP=5 (2 Swings)
AD=5-10 on a successful hit
Just a basic idea on weapons but obviously a few more to choose from (perhaps 5) but like is said stats have got to be virtually the same so every player who enters it dosnt matter if you are level 20 or 100 , the higher level players don't get an advantage, same with the B.C. for armour.Each armour set contains 5 items (top,helmet,boots, gloves, shield) pehaps 5 to choose from again, once added up the same BC.
Just ideas anyway!

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:24 pm
by scottdog
Why not have the armour sets based on ancient empires ex,
Roman, spartan, Sumerian, Macedonian, persian, might be fun :D

Re: battle arena

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 12:10 pm
by Tomcat
About a year ago, I dreamt up a different concept of The Arena.

The quest to discover the secret of getting there is yet to be designed. But it should have a theme of summoning the dead. Perhaps we meet the Ghost of Vacor/Unzel, who pops around like the BWMS Agent, but in a much less linear fashion, with harder to achieve and more widely scattered subtasks.

The quest ends in a room with a walkable altar. The Ghost gives the final instructions before disappearing once again. The player must drop on the altar 2 unique items to be "sacrificed". Such items are removed from the game unrecoverably. The player then speaks the incantation given, or hinted at, by the Ghost.

This transports the player to a room containing the ghost of every unique "boss" monster that has been vanquished in the game. This adjusts somewhat for player level.

The ghosts would be all present when the player reaches the Arena. No player inventory passes through the transport except equipped items. No potions, no extras. Those items will be found on the altar after the fight ends, one way or another.

The player begins in the center, surrounded by ghosts, with no room to move. The weakest make up the first ring, while the stronger ones wait their turn. Now that monsters will be able to move during combat, they will keep coming at you until they are all dead, or until you die. There is no way out but death or victory.

You return to the altar if you die, with some XP, less the subtraction for dying of course, but with no drops otherwise. The only reward for entering the Arena is a potential unique item.

If all ghosts are defeated, the player is transported back to the quest altar, which now contains the reward item, taken from a list of unique items which have not yet been awarded and have never been sacrificed. The more ghost bosses that must be defeated, the more powerful the item.

The fact that you must sac two unique items, while gaining only one, limits the number of times the player may try, making it vital that the player choose wisely whether to go and which items to sac.

One option would be to make it possible for a unique item that was lost (e.g sold off, or left the game with a monster not killed) but not sac'ed to be dropped when its original carrier is defeated for the first time ... but Oskar seems okay with letting these stay gone.

The data structure would need to be enhanced to indicate items that are eligible as rewards, eligible as sacrifices, and already sac'ed, as well as the list of monsters to bring.

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:01 am
by Pyrizzle
Tomcat: WHOA! O.O AWESOME IDEA! +100! IMHO This is the best "arena" suggestion thus far!

Re: battle arena

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:05 am
by Tomcat
Pyrizzle wrote:Tomcat: WHOA! O.O AWESOME IDEA! +100! IMHO This is the best "arena" suggestion thus far!
Thanks, Pyro :) I'm helping Ian with some mapping stuff right now, but I hope to give this a shot next.