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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:56 am
by Sarumar
ahh :twisted: i just found the"lightweight chainmail" ...

IMO it is too cheap... price of this item need to be something like 1,5 * champion's chain mail

... after a moment .. i re think ... i like the the idea that items like JoF and Marrowtaint lowers attack cost only when you have one weapon.... ;)
------------------------------Combined Posts-----------------------------------------------------
Sorry about this double post !

Oskar and the rest of the crew,
Thank you for the awesome work !

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:20 am
by Sarumar
forgot this post....

and delete it... please :roll:

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:47 am
by Sarumar
some conversation problem with npc in Vilegatd too:

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:07 am
by Sarumar
.. and again ..

There are some new Two-hand weapons... I love the idea, but all of those (buyable) new weapons are useless :( Please make them stronger... at least ad 10 point to bace damage...

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:36 am
by sorrow
So the same city's we couldn't get to b4 we still can't get to?

Saru have u been to charwood yet?

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:21 am
by only1doug
I'm finding the goblins in Charwood very difficult to see, hard to distinguish them against the background.
Weapon Proficiencies and weapon accuracy skill:
so I gained one rank in Dagger Proficiency giving me a +10 attack chance , I cannot get him to teach me this skill further so I would have to spend a skillpoint for any further increases (+10 attack chance each time) Skill limit 3

Weapon accuracy skill has no skill limit and increases attack chance with all weapons by 12.

so I can spend 1 skillpoint to increase 2 categories of weapons by 10 or the same skillpoint could increase my attack chance with all weapon categories by 12...

Conclusion: The weapon proficiency group benefits need to be increased, perhaps to +20 attack chance.
Fayvara Dialogue:
Fayvara: I can teach you the way of fighting without armour, and how you can use that to your advantage so that you don't get his hit as often.

1st Issue: , and (one or the other, not both) Either:
I can teach you the way of fighting without armour and how you can use that to your advantage so that you don't get his hit as often.
I can teach you the way of fighting without armour, how you can use that to your advantage so that you don't get his hit as often.

2nd issue: his should be hit.

Heavy Armour:
Fayvara: the downside is of course that they weigh a lot, which can slow you down. Ican teach you how you can use that to your advantage, so that you can withstand attacks better, and not be as slowed down as you would otherwise.

again the issue is , and in this case I'd just lose the comma.

Teaching additional skills:

Fayvara: We very rarely teach anyone outside our settlement, me and Falothen. I heard that Falothen taught someone a while ago, and I hear that he was given five oegyth crystals and 5000 gold in return.

, and again.
strictly speaking it should be Falothen and I not me and Falothen but that is a pattern of speech issue so could be Fayvara's way of speaking.

Fayvara: So I'm thinking that something similar would suffice. Since as you're my friend, I won't charge as much as Falothen did. Two of those crystals and 6000 gold should be well enough.

6000 gold is more than 5000 gold (and more than Falothen charges), not really a problem but the price rise isn't explained.

Fayvara: So I'm thinking that something similar would suffice. Since as you're my friend, I won't charge as much as Falothen did but our settlement really needs the coin. Two of those crystals and 6000 gold should be well enough.
Armour Proficiencies
So the light armour skill increases the block chance of the worn armour by 30% of its base, the dodge skill increases your base block by 9. light armours would have to have a base block chance of 30 for the armour proficiency skill to equal the benfit of the dodge skill.

Shield Proficiency increases DR by 1, to a maximum of DR2, barkskin has an upper limit so this skill could still be of benefit to a DR build but not until barkskin skill has been maxed.

Unarmoured fighting: slightly better than dodge skill but only if you don't wear any armour, needs a bit more oomph imo.

Heavy Armour Proficiency: best of the lot but little benefit for 1 or 3 ranks, only pays out at 2 and 4 ranks. 4 skillpoints to negate the penalties of heavy armour, could be spent elsewhere to better effect perhaps?

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:24 am
by Tomcat
Actually, in the rather old-fashioned expression ” what ever will we do?”, what and ever remain separate words, and carry a somewhat different meaning than the word ”whatever”.

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:39 am
by Tomcat
Another bug report, but rather vague I'm afraid: sometimes I get the message about not enough AP when my AP total shows zero, and the round should have automatically reset itself, instead of making me hit End Turn. I haven't sorted out what makes it happen yet.

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:12 pm
by only1doug
Sarumar wrote:.. and again ..

There are some new Two-hamded weapons... I love the idea, but all of those new weapons are useless :( Please make them stronger... at least ad 10 point to bace damage...
I repaired Xul'viir, it wasn't scary to me so I reloaded and melted it down instead.

Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:26 pm
by sorrow
I've had that happen to Tom but only when I have @)1-2 AP left.