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Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:48 pm
by kabbie1882
Mino wrote:Interesting discussion, I'll have to give the barehanded fighting a try sometime.

I have a question for anyone playing the Alpha test version for the Heart Stone quest going to be complete-able after the update? The smith who talks about it mentions that it would allow for more powerful weapons, so I was just curious.

Thanks, if anyone can answer!
I actually went to him first thing after getting the first alpha. Nothing changed with him and after a full day of playing I have NOT found any "Heart Stone".

I doubt that that it is in 0.6.9 at all. It is not listed in the change log that I have seen.

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:03 pm
by Czar Kloos
I tried the bare handed fighting for awhile and I didn't really like it but it does have its positives

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:15 am
by Samuel
Perhaps the action points needed to attack barehanded should be adjusted from 3 to 4.

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:21 am
by Czar Kloos
That would make it more balanced

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:18 pm
by Cervando
Alternatively give barehanded a massive block penalty as it is difficult and dangerous to block weapons with bare hands. Also, give longer weapons an advantage when initiating combat so daggers and fists would increase the chance of the mob striking first. After all, he is a rogue not a kung fu master.

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:30 pm
by oskarwiksten
I think this is a really interesting topic. While I had not considereed unarmed combat to be an option intially, I would really like the game to give you the option of chosing the best combat option available, given the circumstances. Thank you allanon for exploring this interesting topic!

I would be interested in adding things that enhance the combat abilities of a player that chooses to go unequipped. This fits with my view of the experience of what Andor's Trail should be: different for each player, according to her or his choice(s).

What are your ideas of how we could improve unarmed combat even further? I am thinking we add skills to the next version, do you think there are some skills that we could add that improve such combat abilities?

Excellent ideas allanon, Cervando and Dreia. I am interested in hearing more of your thoughts!

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:47 pm
by Cervando
Well as unarmed is already too powerful care would be needed in making it more useful. Assuming you took my advice re a massive block minus and initiative loss, adding a cestus as a glove option could add some damage and reduce the block disadvantage too. Katars could be another option and to simulate their armour piercing properties you could give them an ac bonus and even the ability to ignore some damage resistance. I know technically punch daggers are not unarmed, but they are used to punch rather than the way most blades are used.

Also, you could add boots that increased bare handed damage to simulate kicking and even boots with hidden blades in the toe caps.

Whilst it would be nice to have proper martial arts, these are simple additions that would require simple changes. However, I would love to see dual wielding and 2 handed weapons first, as has been suggested already.

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:01 pm
by Dreia
here is my own thoughts on bare handed fighting

no weapon equipped:
4AP attack
-25% damage
-20% defense
+5% accuracy
each successful hit removes 2AP from your opponents next round

You could also add in things like gloves or brass knuckles that would not count as a weapon and so keep the bare handed status but allow you to upgrade your stats (IE one that adds another -1AP or something)


Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:04 pm
by Czar Kloos
I like that except it takes away 2 AP from your opponent, I feel that should only happen with a specific item.

Re: advantages/disadvantages of fighting bare handed

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:11 pm
by Dreia
Many games use bare handed fighting to sap peoples energy levels. Without the -2AP the rest of the stats would make it pointless to go bare handed.