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Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:46 pm
by Johan
Samuel wrote:I just thought a slider would be nice too.
The slider could be dragged for big changes and adjusted by the buttons for small changes.
I second that. I should also suggest that the info and sell buttons are removed from the shop item list and replaced the buy/sell value. Then, when you press an item, you get the info popup with the additional buy/sell/drop controls.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:55 pm
by ejwessel
Samuel wrote:
ejwessel wrote:
Samuel wrote:I think the max button is strongly necessary.
I'm having a hard time understanding why a max button is necessary when one can just hit the negative button once and it takes them to the largest value of the item that is available;
Its simply not intuitive. :roll:
Gotcha, sometime its difficult to go from the creator to user and understand why the user does something when you're so technical at times. Blah. thanks =D

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:57 pm
by ejwessel
Johan wrote: I should also suggest that the info and sell buttons are removed from the shop item list and replaced the buy/sell value. Then, when you press an item, you get the info popup with the additional buy/sell/drop controls.
I like this idea too.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:36 pm
by sdevaney
Samuel wrote:I just thought a slider would be nice too.
The slider could be dragged for big changes and adjusted by the buttons for small changes.
Sell Example wrote:Sell 7 of 21 meat for 168 gold.
Drop Example wrote:Drop 21 of 21 meat.
I think this is my favorite idea so far. The only thing I would add would be a way to type in the number you want to sell, by making the number area editable. (i.e. the number 7 in the first example).

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:38 pm
by ejwessel
I went ahead with the slider view and text edit method that seemed to be liked a lot. This is not final and all suggestions are still open. I did take note of the max suggestion, the increments/decrements of 10, and the gold gained/given idea. The specifics for that can be discussed later. For now here is what it looks like

At the top where it says "Item being sold" imagine the Item you are going to be selling.

Note: one problem I am having is getting the text box to scale down its width as it appears to take up too much room

Let me know what you think.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:46 pm
by Czar Kloos
I really like the slider

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:19 pm
by michischmid2000
Great solution! Like it :)

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:20 pm
by Cervando
Finally, looks awesome, can't wait for it to be added.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:10 pm
by Dreia
Just a suggestion, rather than having giant buttons on either side of the sliderbar could you perhaps put in some arrows? (not buttons with arrows but actual arrows) a simple < -0----- > would look better IMO. Other than that I think that is one of the best things that could be added to the UI at this point!


Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:19 pm
by Samuel
Czar Kloos wrote:I really like the slider
michischmid2000 wrote:Great solution! Like it :)
Cervando wrote:Finally, looks awesome, can't wait for it to be added.
Same here. I like it. Good work. :!: Sorry I don't have a thumbs up smiley. ;)

I don't think its a problem that it takes more place. If I want to sell, then I don't need place for anything else.
I even think its a feature. On a small screen a small dialog would be hard to handle with so called big "Wurstfingers".

I think min, max, +10 and -10 buttons are unnecessary when we got a slider. Keep it simple.
IMO the sum of gold gained, the available gold and the item details is something worth to consider to include.

Any manually entered number greater then the max should result in the max value.
A manually entered invalid or negative number ("12a4", "-27") should result in a value of "1".