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Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 9th)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:41 pm
by Taledus
Introduction - Can we make suggestions to the game engine?
This game is open source and everyone that volunteers time and content is willing to do so for free. People have real life commitments and work on contributing whatever they can, whenever they can. However, lacking some sort of structure will ultimately lead into a chaos project that is jumbled up with all sorts of content. Oskar does have ultimate say so over what goes in the dev releases on Google Play, however, as I have pointed out several times throughout my posts there is a lot of critical information that is lacking in the documentation in order to garner more support from the community. I honestly believe that this has caused a lot of really good ideas to be turned down as they do not fit within the scope of the project that few are privy to. I strongly feel more documentation regarding the engine development documentation would greatly benefit the community members who would like to make suggestions.
Wiki & Design Document - Wiki Documentation
Since I have been given the opportunity to structure the new Wiki for review, I feel it is lined up in a way that will ultimately achieve more development in line with some sort of structured framework. That being said, there are still areas where things are still not very clearly set forth. The style of the game is a key element that can cause it to succeed or fail in many aspects. Currently, the overview of the information is that the game is 2D/Medieval/Fantasy styled, the graphics are free, more content is accepted…but there is so much more that needs to be defined, like screenshots for graphics from other games that the “end product of Andor’s Trail” will look like. This will allow for volunteer graphics artist to be found and submit edits to the current tileset for review, rather than stuff being submitted that is not going to be used.

Listing every single aspect of the game in the wiki was originally not wanted as a how-to-play guide from what I have read, yet the contributors do in fact need to know the sort of information, aside from saying to submit quest ideas, or maps, or items… I do have a lot of information already on the new Wiki, as well as other areas that are available to be filled in. Sections are separated into 2 main categories: Gameplay - for players, & Developers - for development information/spoilers/tutorials/etc… One key area for Developers is listing NPC’s that are being used in quests and ones that aren’t. This will assist people from writing contradicting content for the same NPC’s, or writing content for NPC’s that are going to be killed off.
(Graphics) - Icons for skills
(Crafting in general) - *New* Craft any item
(Map Layer Switching) (Paperdolling) - New here.
I am not saying that any of the specifics above need to be included with any part of the game. What I am saying is that people clearly need to know if these types of content are going to be available with the game at some point in time, even though they are not a priority. I have set a section aside in the new wiki (pending approval) that would list content already decided that will be in the game.
Forums - *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions
Providing some sort of professional submission process will also assist with getting more fully developed ideas being submitted, instead of one or two lined posts, or ideas for content that do not go along with the scope of the game. To further my original idea, closing off the Development forum to be a members only access forum would help. However, available in there would be the correct sub-forums for people to submit their content to. Anyone would still be able to submit non structured ideas in the main Ideas and future development forum. Not only would this allow for people to submit all sorts of ideas for discussion with other developers/contributors, any spoilers to exact content would be kept out of the eyes for the public. And to be allowed to formally submit a fully fleshed out idea, people simply request access like they currently do…it could even be limited to requesting access to the area they are interested in contributing to.
More information - Discussed in PM:
I'm not going to post this idea on the forums as it pertains to how stuff is written down in the meeting notes.

Currently the notes are structured like this:

[*]Andor's Trail Project Meeting ##
[*]1. Follow-up from last meeting:
[*]2. Completed since the last meeting:
[*]3. Things that are being worked on:
[*]4. Discussion of some forum threads/posts:
[*]5. What should we have ready for the next meeting?

I'd like to see if there is anyway to break down #3 into different categories. And perhaps keep a rolling log between in #3 on meeting #10, stuff isn't listed on meeting #11 on part #2 as finished, yet it doesn't show up as continued to be worked on either...this would just show that things haven't been forgotten.

[*]Andor's Trail Project Meeting ##
[*]1. Follow-up from last meeting:
[*]2. Completed since the last meeting:
[*]3. Things that are being worked on:

Online (forums/wiki/website/facebook/twitter/myspace)

[*]4. Discussion of some forum threads/posts:
[*]5. What should we have ready for the next meeting?

Also, I would like to see if there is a way to include a #6, or create an admin sticky on announcements, for "Things wanted in the game" also broken down into sections. This would allow for stuff to be included letting the community know that certain areas are on the list of stuff for the game, just no time soon. I have brought up paperdolling before, and was told that it would more than likely be included if the graphics were available. Likewise, music was initially said no to, yet a post some time back stated it might be available at some time in the future.

While there is a space on the new wiki for this information, posting it somewhere with the announcements would allow people to see what features are not currently available, but more than likely will be at some time in the future. Or at least making a list of stuff for the new wiki...people can then be pointed there if they bring up something already referenced.

And the Links to Already suggested Ideas! could be a place to post this stuff, but a separate area would allow for examples and details to be filled out, so that any volunteer efforts would be on point with the content that is needed for the idea.

I'm not a mod, but I will gladly format anything you guys send to me into something that one of y'all can post.
Additional ideas that I have brought up over the last few days for consideration(… just not nearly as important as the above listed areas…):

Tablet GUI Feedback -

Tiles - Grass/Sand/Snow Path Edging (*56K Warning*) -

Game Content:
Filling in some background to areas. -
Combat Map Movement/Parry/Flanking -

*Change* Quest - The Path Is Clear To Me. -

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 9th)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:46 pm
by Pyrizzle
Please guys!

Let's bring up the idea of adding the Hunters Guild idea to tie in the NPC bosses at the end of the non-quest related caves.


Thank you! Sorry I'll be missing this weeks meeting.

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 9th)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:01 am
by nyktos
@pyro: sure thing, Brother!


@Taledus: Thank you, this will make things much easier!

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 9th)

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:53 am
by Pyrizzle
A few things i noticed that have been pretty popular:

More maps (finishing/opening the main road)
Repeatable Quests (mad hoarder)
Resistance to Critical Damage (for player)

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 23rd)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:05 pm
by Taledus
For meeting on 9/23/12

Located@my docs/Meeting - Points of Interest

Breifly discusses observed points. Not intended for debate, just observations I think are critical. If something has to be changed to fit better or work better then change it if you want...if it is of no concern, then disregard completely. What is done with them is ultimately up to the group.


Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 23rd)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:24 am
by Pyrizzle
A suggested idea i found interesting that might be fun to discuss this coming weekend:

Both of these ideas could be part of a contest
[*]Implement chosen board posters' characters into the game! (maybe 2-5th place)
[*]Contest for Naming the world (first prize)

PS: I am setting 4 or 5 alarms! I will be there with bells and whistles on! Just gotta rub the sand out of my eyes. :lol: I'm back guys!

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 23rd)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:34 am
by nyktos
oooh, am i reading this right???


you're coming to the next meeting?!

- - - EDIT - - -

[double post]

Pyrizzle wrote:A few things i noticed that have been pretty popular:

More maps (finishing/opening the main road)
Repeatable Quests (mad hoarder)
Resistance to Critical Damage (for player)
good call!

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sept. 23rd)

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:08 am
by Pyrizzle
nyktos wrote: oooh, am i reading this right???


you're coming to the next meeting?!
No GF = This lil firebug has a lot more freetime on his hands.

Yes good sir, I will be there. Looking forward to being part of the crew again!

Re: Ideas for The Meeting - [Oct. 21]

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:11 am
by nyktos
once again, we have a plethora of ideas in just a week or so...
and i wanted your feedback so i don't miss anything nice.

this will start as a short list, but i know i am missing stuff...

1. Evasion Tweaks & New Skills to help maintain balance...
2. New Actor Condition: "Wanted / Criminal"...
3. ??? [looking stuff up to jog my memory]

anything really stand out in your mind?
post it here & we will talk about it at the next meeting!


thanks for the help everyone!!!

Re: Ideas for The Meeting - [Oct. 21]

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:54 am
by Antison
Well, before v0.7.0 is released I would like a clear and concise explanation on how equipping two weapons will work so l can plan accordingly. Does this fall under the umbrella of what you are asking for?
If I have 12AP & equip 4AP & a 3AP weapon, how does this work? Are they added up to 7AP and I only get one hit? Or do I get to attack once with the 4AP weapon and twice with the 3AP one?