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Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:21 pm
by Pyrizzle
Taledus wrote:+1 for the exquisitely detailed explanation there Pyro!

Just a thought though...the Pack Leaders are mostly already tied into other quests if I am not mistaken. Having multiple quests tied onto 1 certain enemy might confuse things a bit. Not to mention this is a Hunters Guild, right....
Was just being used in the example... What Quest are you talking about? There is no quest that brings you into that cave

I like the idea of making them have to travel back and forth to keep getting and turning in the quests instead of getting them all at once.

I feel they shouldn't be marked on a map but the player should get a vague description of where it would be.

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:27 pm
by Taledus
Okay, maybe it's just the first rat cave I am thinking of that has a quest tied into it...LOL

Vague descriptions just give the player something extra to work towards, trying to determine which exact enemy they have to kill...maybe make it the main bosses then that have to be killed...

I so need to stay off the boards and just play the game some more

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:20 pm
by SuFiC8
The rat quest is a quest of its own, but seems to be unrelated to what's happening in the main story... I thought that would be a good place to kick start the guild, since it is at the beginning of the game... Odair even mentions your good deed to Mara ( another reason to start here, as it leaves an opening for further dialogue )

@ Pyrizzle, thank you for explaining! A lot of good ideas and it would solve the issue of already defeated bosses! I also like Taledus's idea where one hunt may be one of many (lets say beez) but you'd have to keep killing till you got the right one... altho the focus may be just tying in the non quest bosses, it may be cool to toss in something like that as well...

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:36 pm
by Taledus
It could be both: Odair could provide quests for the main bosses, quest master could provide quests for the othe random enemies...

Perhaps the quests could come from someone you have to befriend within the Hunters guild...if you make them mad through dialogs, then you wont get to do the Questing parts. I would say another guild for the second quest guy, but a "Hunters Guild" seems to point to hunting the enemies.

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:20 pm
by SuFiC8
Taledus wrote:a "Hunters Guild" seems to point to hunting the enemies.
For older players who already know the location of the bosses or already defeated them, it doesn't seem like much of a hunt... But when there are new maps, new bosses, it will seem more like a hunt when you consider you'll only get a hint of its location... My original thought was, along your travels,( after you join ) you would meet other guild members hidden in the world ( appearing as though they were on a hunt) that would give you information on the matter, thus enhancing the idea of being in a hunters guild in search of rare game...

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:29 pm
by Taledus
SuFiC8 wrote: For older players who already know the location of the bosses or already defeated them, it doesn't seem like much of a hunt... But when there are new maps, new bosses, it will seem more like a hunt when you consider you'll only get a hint of its location... My original thought was, along your travels,( after you join ) you would meet other guild members hidden in the world ( appearing as though they were on a hunt) that would give you information on the matter, thus enhancing the idea of being in a hunters guild in search of rare game...
That works for me as well. Trying to determine which enemy to kill would be more of a challenge...and adding even more guild members to interact with for quest hints would add more depth.

Sounds like the OP needs to be changed to reflect something of a finalized version of this idea, key characters (now or old) to interact with, ideas for the rewards, then go from there for suggesting it to be implemented. I think it will be a great addition to the game ;)

P.S. Don't forget to add a changeable poll for this...

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:48 pm
by Pyrizzle
No need for a poll, this idea has been very liked since it has been first suggested.

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:57 pm
by Taledus
Right, but I still think all the exact details need to be worked out. Having a poll would simply allow for people to say they like ALL of the idea or parts of it...which would help flesh it out much better.

The ideas are great, they are just scattered over 3 pages :mrgreen:

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:33 pm
by Pyrizzle
Taledus wrote:Right, but I still think all the exact details need to be worked out. Having a poll would simply allow for people to say they like ALL of the idea or parts of it...which would help flesh it out much better.

The ideas are great, they are just scattered over 3 pages :mrgreen:
We can edit the OP and change things as we finalize idea, creating a poll with just create another thread to cove a topic that has been brought up.

Let's discuss it right here and now. I'd love to hear more of everyone's opinions/hopes/ideas for this.

Re: Hunters Guild?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:08 pm
by nether
Decided to go ahead and combine all of our collective thoughts: (sorry I didn't specify names if you were looking for credit!) that way people can just look at the OP if he wishes to edit this in and get a good overview of what we've come up with.

Hunters Guild

Introducing the idea:
Mara, after hearing from Odair that you have cleaned up the old supply cave informs you that Odair wanted to talk to you about some hunters’ guild. Once you talk to Odair, he gives you the task of seeking out the snake master, an initiation to see if you’re what the guild is looking for, thus starting the quests\guild. This would help in tying in all of the bosses scattered around AT and you could even receive an additional reward by killing them.

Problems to address:
• To players who already know the location of the bosses or already defeated them; it will not seem like a real hunt to them.
• Would we be able to defeat the bosses without joining the guild, or would the various bosses give you some dialogue (so that you are unable to engage them) until you trigger the quest?
• How would this effect old files where we have already beat them?
• Are you allowed to kill the monsters before you have the quest?

• New maps and new bosses will make it feel more like a hunt since you'll only get a hint of its location.
• Kill them at any time but it is remembered; get rewarded when you join.
• Champion of every monster type, then you could gain quests to hunt them all one by one. Examples: [rat champion, bug champion, rabid dog champion, etc.]
• Speech options for the boss - For example, the Pack Leader in the wolf cave:
"The Pack Leader begins to growl viciously in your direction as he eyes you down from a distance. Perhaps this is a battle for another day."
• Pyrizzle's Solution: Sets it up so that you can still kill them in any order but you can't turn one kill in before the other task you have been assigned is finished.
Pyrizzle wrote:
SuFiC8 wrote:I think Im following you... Kill them with or without guild but only get a quest reward if you are a member? If I understand correctly ,that would solve any issues with old files where we have already defeated them...
Close (i think), let me see if i can lay out a good example here:

I liked SuFiC8's start:
SuFiC8 wrote: Mara ,after hearing from Odair that you have cleaned up the old supply cave would be a nice way to introduce you to the Hunters Guild.. After thanking you, Mara informs you that Odair wanted to talk to you about some hunters guild... Once you talk to Odair, he gives you the task of seeking the snake master... an initiation to see if your what the guild is looking for... and thus it begins...
After you talk with Odair again and he sends you after the Snake Master you come back to him and then he would give you the next (Pack Leader) and so on down the list

Lets say for this example that in total there will be 5 NPCs total to kill for these quests (i'd say lets aim for 10 total)

1) Snake Master
2) Pack Leader
3) River Troll (the bridge)
4) Keknazar (Crossroads guardhouse basement)
5) ????? (Random monster hidden somewhere in the world)

After finishing the last quest you would return to Odair and he would give some sort of awesome reward for all your troubles (like maybe a skillpoint or two)

---------------------------------------------------------------If a player kills a target for this before they have finished the last one:

-Starts the quest, kills snake master, comes back and gets next quest; kill Pack Leader

1) Snake Master (first)
2) Pack Leader
3) River Troll
4) Keknazar
5) ?????

-So the player kills Pack leader, collects reward, and next quest to kill the Troll

1) Snake Master (first, collected)
2) Pack Leader (second, collected)
3) River Troll
4) Keknazar
5) ?????

Buuuuuut while wondering around you find Keknazar and slay him. What would happen?

1) Snake Master (first, collected)
2) Pack Leader (second, collected)
3) River Troll
4) Keknazar (third, quest not started)
5) ?????

You continue on as normal, Find and kill the River Troll, go back and collect your next quest ( you have already killed him)

1) Snake Master (first, collected)
2) Pack Leader (second, collected)
3) River Troll (killed forth, collected)
4) Keknazar (third, not collected)
5) ?????

Odis: Thank you so much for killing Pack leader, his wolves have been terrorizing so much land that even the flocks of sheep near crossglen sometimes seem to have one go missing. [You get a prize] Will you please (insert players name) now go and kill Keknazar the moster of the deep see has somehow managed to get into the basement of the Crossglen thru the underwater rivers where we fetch our water. Will you please go take care of him and come back to me when your done?

Options for response:
1) Odis, I have in fact already slayed this monster.
2) Ha! That puny thing, I sliced that thing in two with my blade!

Odis: Oh you killed Keknazar. Thank you so much... bla bla bla (some story about a monder somewhere that needs to be killed.)

Then quest continues on.

1) Snake Master (first, collected)
2) Pack Leader (second, collected)
3) River Troll (killed forth, collected)
4) Keknazar (third, collected)
5) ?????

So this way you can still kill them in any order but you can't turn one in until the one before it has been finished.


• along your travels after you join the guild you would meet other guild members hidden in the world (appearing as though they were on a hunt) that would give you information on the matter, thus enhancing the idea of being in a hunters guild in search of rare game.
• Odair could provide quests for the main bosses; quest master could provide quests for the other random enemies.
• The quests could come from someone you have to befriend within the Hunters guild...if you make them mad through dialogues; then you won’t get to do the questing parts.