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Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:39 am
by Pyrizzle
nyktos wrote:i need a secretary

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You rang sir? *Puts on Alfred costume*

My only consern:
Just because an idea is popular doesn't mean it should be added to the game.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:54 am
by nether
Pyrizzle wrote:
nyktos wrote:i need a secretary

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You rang sir? *Puts on Alfred costume*

My only consern:
Just because an idea is popular doesn't mean it should be added to the game.
fast travel knocking at your door now AT devs :twisted:

i kid.

That is a very good point.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:02 am
by Pyrizzle
This is a great idea, but it really feels like its going to be a lot of work.

Right now i am updating the suggested Ideas page. :mrgreen:

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:16 am
by nyktos
something must be done, and the work you (@pyro) are doing is a separate chore...
we are thinking of devoting the "Dev Exclusive" thread to this cause.
[granting access to more members for this end]

i've been pondering this for a couple months actually...

and at least two volunteers so far, right?
the more the merrier!


as this project grows, the need for greater structure grows as well...
it was pretty small in the beginning - but things are getting serious now!

i really wish i had more time at the moment,
but this month has been HECTIC and "real life" is demanding a lot of my attention.

things will slow down on my end soon & i will finally be able to address things that are concerning me
(things about the game, the forum & the development)

glad to be a part of this project,
and again - a BIG thanks to everyone for their time & contributions.
big or small.



as for fast travel, just call it something else...
and think of an innovative concept that isn't too fantastical.
who knows? just keep throwing Oskar gold until he takes it?


that's how i go at it & so far - he wants what we want...
an amazing RPG on an Android Device (and others too if they feel the need).

drop his jaw & he will code (like a BEAST)
[in a good way, mind you]


Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:17 am
by Taledus
Pyrizzle wrote:My only consern:
Just because an idea is popular doesn't mean it should be added to the game.
And it wouldn't. It would only provide the people that are deciding what is going into the main game better ideas for what is popular. There is nothing to say that a popular idea might not wind up in the game, but someone might take the time to work it in their version of the source (or find someone that will assist them). This idea essentially covers fully fleshed out suggestions to what is going in the official release.

Pretty much the idea would be voted on twice...once by the community during the tweaking process, then once by the developers on if the idea is willing to be included, disapproved, see how idea evolves, or even if it might work for a release later on down the line. This idea currently is popular with 7 people yet it might be decided that it is not needed for the community submission process, or might work later on down the line...either way I have spent a lot of time trying to gather as much input as I could, as well as modify the original post to reflect tweaks to the idea by other members here.

I have been looking over this idea for the last several days, and with it recently being brought up at the last dev meeting I wanted to see if there was any additional corrections that needed to be made to this. While in theory this idea seems great, I still think it is lacking with some additional details that I might be overlooking.

So far no other sub-forum names have been introduced for another section to consider. And I have not written any quests for this game, submitted any new maps, and various other areas that I have yet to venture I wanted to reach out for suggestion to stuff that should be included in each of the Sticky templates for each of the sub-forums. While ultimately they may not be used, I would rather have them compiled for final consideration before the next dev meeting. A brief example is already posted for a kukri weapon on the OP.

At any rate, thanks for the support so far on this guys (and that one girl who plays...)!

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:38 am
by Pyrizzle
I'm not a fan of polls, open discussions are better.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:08 am
by Taledus
Pyrizzle wrote:I'm not a fan of polls, open discussions are better.
I have to agree with you on that one. The main reason that I was suggesting the poll is people might like an idea but not have anything to say about it...this would provide them to just say yes/no/maybe/whatever to an idea.

Don't get me wrong though, there are a ton of great ideas on here...some of them are just waaay more thought out than others, and this is where the extra sub-forums would come in handy.

Regardless, the whole idea stems from my GREATNESSOCD+1!!! :lol:

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:12 am
by Pyrizzle
Another thing:

We should not change the OP when the ideas just changed or plotted out, the changes should be put on top the original post with a ----------------------- to divide it. That way the original idea doesn't get lost.

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:05 am
by Taledus
Pyrizzle wrote:Another thing:

We should not change the OP when the ideas just changed or plotted out, the changes should be put on top the original post with a ----------------------- to divide it. That way the original idea doesn't get lost.
That is where I was thinking the change log would come in for short notes on what was changed. If you think about how long some ideas might be, take the OP for this post, they can be quite lengthy. Adding another section to the OP to correct something, or drastically change an entire function of the original idea that has been discussed in the middle of page 3 (lost), might make the posts to lengthy to warrant an effort to read.

However, it does make it difficult for the dev's to go back and look which version of an idea might work better for the game if they are unable to note exactly what changed. At any rate the additional sub-forums would help with breaking up a lot of the ideas for varying areas of the game being put into 1 thread, regardless if some method to formalize submissions was turned down.

I like the idea myself, but it probably doesn't work for everyone. This game has came a long way without something like this, and should really on be included if the end result = fleshed out ideas & better workflow. And to be honest a lot of what I posted probably will never get implemented, but the idea is out there for critiquing...ultimately the dev's have ultimate say so over what is going in the game, and the forums.

Regardless, I am going to post that suggestion up there as well, and make a comment about the poll being recommended for something like this. :D

Re: *New* Formalizing Idea Submissions

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:28 am
by Pyrizzle
The original idea is lost when you take it out and all the posts following it do not always make as much sense.

For instance: I like the original posts ideas of tieing in all the bosses from the world into something you can do for a quest, I'm not a fan of all the aditional "hunting" there has been talks about. Because the original post has been edited my post in responce doesn't make much sence or express what i wanted to say.

The easiest thing is to keep changing the top half but keep the OP as is on the post still.
Like This:

Current idea/Changed Idea from discussion:
bla bla bla

bla bla bla

Original post in it's entirety (UNEDITED)