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Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:54 pm
by nyktos
tek wrote:
I have no clue what any of you are talking about. :D I haven't owned a gaming console since 1999.
Video games were to much of a distraction for me back while in college so I got rid of them and haven't looked back.
i hear both sides, on a certain level...

i took a break for a few years solid, right when my first child was born...
and when i need to - i take a break when i things need to be better sorted out & balanced.


i am currently gaming solid on XBL though,
and with my youngest is starting to walk...

it's hard to say which scene is filled with more chaos!
[the game screen or the living room]


Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:16 am
by Pyrizzle
nyktos wrote: i am currently gaming solid on XBL though,
and with my youngest is starting to walk...

it's hard to say which scene is filled with more chaos!
[the game screen or the living room]


uh oh! As soon as they starting walking everything that is from Hip height or lower is in serious danger. hahahaha

I was playing gaming systems non-stop until this last year when i took a good long break. Now I am also back on Xbox Live.

Have you tried battleblock Theater yet?? That game is challenging and sooooo addicting. =)
If you get it let me know, I'm looking for someone to play with on co-op mode. (Speaking of chaos)


Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:13 pm
by only1doug
nyktos wrote:
tek wrote:
I have no clue what any of you are talking about. :D I haven't owned a gaming console since 1999.
Video games were to much of a distraction for me back while in college so I got rid of them and haven't looked back.
i hear both sides, on a certain level...

i took a break for a few years solid, right when my first child was born...
and when i need to - i take a break when i things need to be better sorted out & balanced.


i am currently gaming solid on XBL though,
and with my youngest is starting to walk...

it's hard to say which scene is filled with more chaos!
[the game screen or the living room]


Hehe, I know exactly what you mean, I have a 4yr old and a 2yr old, I rarely play on my PS3 as I can't find the time to play with it any more (perhaps the tablet is also to blame, I can play games on it while watching TV).

Our living room frequently becomes a disaster area, toys, dressing up clothes, blankets scattered across the floor.

Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:36 pm
by Thystonius
Fire7051 wrote:Got my wife hooked on Demon's Souls last night. Funny that she hates Skyrim but loves Demon's Souls cause it is easier. :?
Lol, ok... anybody entitled to their own opinion, I guess haha!

Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:12 pm
by Fire7051
tek wrote:
I have no clue what any of you are talking about. :D I haven't owned a gaming console since 1999.
Video games were to much of a distraction for me back while in college so I got rid of them and haven't looked back.
There is no way I could live without one. My wife calls it my mistress. Kudos to you for being able to give it up :lol:

Re: RPGs we play

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:06 am
by only1doug
Brought this here as I wanted to discuss the WFRP aspect.
Sarumar wrote:
sorrow wrote:What if u summon him with one hp possible change he gives u full health?
no :twisted: Wicked dark mage who was willingly turned himself as an liche and after that doing enough dark things to earned a honour to be an immortal demon prince of Tzeenz.... no he do not know any healing spells :twisted:

ahhh... one of my favor character in WFRP :twisted:
The groups I play with generally stick to the heroic style and avoid the darker paths, one (established) WFRP game we had a new player Join and announce to all of us that he wanted to play a Necromancer... it did not end well (for him).

In a recent WFRP game (this event occured 3 weeks ago) a PC was shot in the knee (took a crit from an arrow, the crit resolved as being the kneecap) and will be very restricted in movement for the next month (game time) so we told the player that the PC was being left to be a town guard (There was a vacancy as he had recently beaten the head of the town guard in a duel, leaving the man bedridden).