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Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:11 pm
by Thystonius
Same here, the direction the concept is heading is really good.


Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:55 pm
by only1doug
Tomcat wrote:
This is the first version of this concept that I like. I really like it, actually. And a great way to introduce the player to LE items besides just putting spoilers in the forum. It essentially combines them into one big high level quest with lots of non linear choice regarding which ones to go for, which ones to keep or trade, etc.

Thank you for that.

Idea for an Introduction to the shopkeeper
Hello fellow traveller, I'm (Insert NPC Name here).

1. Hello
2. Hi (Insert NPC Name here), I'm <PC Name>
3. Goodbye (exit dialogue)

1. Nice to meet you, whats your name?
2. Nice to meet you <PC Name>, are you an adventurer like me?

1a. I'm called <PC Name>
1b. (If PC over L100) My Name is Legendary can't you guess it?
1c. I'm not telling you my name (exit dialogue)

2 > 3. Yes, I'm an adventurer
2 > 2a. I'm just looking for my brother Andor, have you seen him?
2 > 2b. I'm just a wanderer.
2 > 2c. No, I'm not an adventurer. (exit dialogue)

1a. (goto 2)
1b. your arrogance proclaims you to be <PC Name> the famous adventurer. (goto 3)
2a. Nope, never heard of him
2b. (goto 3)
3. In you travels have you found any nice secluded areas? I've been looking for somewhere to setup permanently but I'm too much of a loner to live in a village. Everywhere I have tried ends up getting disturbed by monster attacks or wandering children with incessant questions...

3a. I know just the place: invalid location 1
3b. I know just the place: invalid location 2
3c. I know just the place: invalid location 3
3d. I know just the place: invalid location 4
3e. I know just the place: invalid location 5
3f. I know just the place: invalid location 6
3g. I know just the place: invalid location 7
3h. I know just the place: invalid location 8
4. I know just the place: Vacors cave

3x. No good because (excuse1-8)
4. Perfect, I'll set up my stuff in there. (Quest Complete XP + despawn NPC, respawn within cave)

Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:07 pm
by Tulkas
only1doug wrote:
Tomcat wrote:
This is the first version of this concept that I like. I really like it, actually. And a great way to introduce the player to LE items besides just putting spoilers in the forum. It essentially combines them into one big high level quest with lots of non linear choice regarding which ones to go for, which ones to keep or trade, etc.

Thank you for that.

Idea for an Introduction to the shopkeeper
Hello fellow traveller, I'm (Insert NPC Name here).

1. Hello
2. Hi (Insert NPC Name here), I'm <PC Name>
3. Goodbye (exit dialogue)

1. Nice to meet you, whats your name?
2. Nice to meet you <PC Name>, are you an adventurer like me?

1a. I'm called <PC Name>
1b. (If PC over L100) My Name is Legendary can't you guess it?
1c. I'm not telling you my name (exit dialogue)

2 > 3. Yes, I'm an adventurer
2 > 2a. I'm just looking for my brother Andor, have you seen him?
2 > 2b. I'm just a wanderer.
2 > 2c. No, I'm not an adventurer. (exit dialogue)

1a. (goto 2)
1b. your arrogance proclaims you to be <PC Name> the famous adventurer. (goto 3)
2a. Nope, never heard of him
2b. (goto 3)
3. In you travels have you found any nice secluded areas? I've been looking for somewhere to setup permanently but I'm too much of a loner to live in a village. Everywhere I have tried ends up getting disturbed by monster attacks or wandering children with incessant questions...

3a. I know just the place: invalid location 1
3b. I know just the place: invalid location 2
3c. I know just the place: invalid location 3
3d. I know just the place: invalid location 4
3e. I know just the place: invalid location 5
3f. I know just the place: invalid location 6
3g. I know just the place: invalid location 7
3h. I know just the place: invalid location 8
4. I know just the place: Vacors cave

3x. No good because (excuse1-8)
4. Perfect, I'll set up my stuff in there. (Quest Complete XP + despawn NPC, respawn within cave)
Very good! +1 I like where it's going too.

Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:58 pm
by eldar healer
Excellent suggestions guys. Now we just need a few alternatives for exactly where this shop would be. We cant just put forward vacors cave as the only option. Maybe if someone came up with a few new map tyles to choose from

Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:48 pm
by Piggy the Slayer
I am all for a shop that sells rare magical items that can only be reached after competing quests but it should sell new items and certainly not the RoL or RoLS. They drop by chance or they do not.

Re: Shop that trades in Legendary/Extraordinary items

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:44 am
by Flaming
I think that the unless two guys off of the River next to the burrower nest would be A good idea. They would then be useful instead of refusing to talk.

They could be the black market bosses!