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Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:22 pm
by Sarumar
ScorpionZ wrote:An option to impliment as opposed to creating a whole slew of lvl 1 thru 10 quest could be to impliment invisible barriers.

The same barriers that are used to prevent the hero from entering a cave before a part of the quest is complete could prevent a young player from crossing a threshold prior to meeting an experience minimum.

Obviously this won't prevent a weak player from quickly getting killed, but it will prevent a level 5 hero from even getting past the guard to try and enter the Fallhaven prison (for example).

Examples of barriers could follow lines similar to update releases.
Im agains, I just hate games where " please come back when you are lvl xx, etc"

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:46 pm
by Treadmore
DarkSavant13 wrote:
Treadmore wrote:So far I haven't restarted a character or gone back to a very early save from 6.10 but through all the levels I have found things can turn into too much of a slog.

With the latest release, for example, with the plaguecrawler things the fight just takes forever as I then the mob take turns in missing each other! And the slog feeling is reinforced by the need to grind for experience points to level up and acquire new skills (every 4 levels - feels too long to me).

Whilst in development this is ok but your meeting could discuss how the final product should balance the slog/grind versus instant reward/kill.

I want a slog! :D Is it furry or scaly? Oooooo! What color are they? Can they be trained? Are they smart like a parrot or cuddly like a koala? :D
They're invisible (obviously) and their texture depends upon your emotional state ;)

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:22 am
by nyktos
This is where we are right now, any last minute requests?


Forum Feedback (so far):

Code: Select all

- L & E Toast
- Add to the Death Sequence (see page 5)
- Add option to disable "Tap Controls" when D-Pad is used
- Displaying magnitude & rounds left on Actor Condition Icons (still brainstorming on implementation)
- Pickpocket Skill
Pending or Denied Issues:

Code: Select all

- Closing Areas based on Level - Denied, going for an "open world" feel...
- Music / Sound
- Less XP Loss

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:12 am
by Antison
See my "boat" idea in the "swimming & climbing" thread.

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:35 pm
by Xero
If that's how it works, how about new game +?
Restarts a completed game using same character and items.
Game increases in difficulty, quests are replayable, and exp/gold drop increase

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:13 pm
by Sarumar
tek wrote:See my "boat" idea in the "swimming & climbing" thread.
+1 see it and love it

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (Sunday, the 24th)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:42 am
by duallifes
I guess nobody noticed my the message I left in haste... dont recall where it was. Oh well, it was pretty simple:

Concerning grinding legendary etc items, and about message popups.
Instead, why cant we have colored text IF we get something else than normal items.

You picked up 3 items. (just normal items)
You picked up 1 item. (One rare item)
You picked up 4 items. (One legendary item and 3 normal items, only the best is shown as color.)

Would make it less likely to miss if you get something nice, but would not annoy those with loads of rare and legendary items :)

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (July 8th)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:08 pm
by Xero
duallifes wrote:I guess nobody noticed my the message I left in haste... dont recall where it was. Oh well, it was pretty simple:

Concerning grinding legendary etc items, and about message popups.
Instead, why cant we have colored text IF we get something else than normal items.

You picked up 3 items. (just normal items)
You picked up 1 item. (One rare item)
You picked up 4 items. (One legendary item and 3 normal items, only the best is shown as color.)

Would make it less likely to miss if you get something nice, but would not annoy those with loads of rare and legendary items :)
That's actually a good idea. It makes grinding less painful.

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (July 8th)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:17 pm
by nyktos
i didn't post it here,
but i did bring it up in the meeting!


just listed off all the possible ways to display rare drops...
(reminded me of other games)

Re: Ideas for The Meeting... (July 8th)

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:00 pm
by Sarumar
duallifes wrote:I guess nobody noticed my the message I left in haste... dont recall where it was. Oh well, it was pretty simple:
Concerning grinding legendary etc items, and about message popups.
Instead, why cant we have colored text IF we get something else than normal items.
You picked up 3 items. (just normal items)
You picked up 1 item. (One rare item)
You picked up 4 items. (One legendary item and 3 normal items, only the best is shown as color.)
Would make it less likely to miss if you get something nice, but would not annoy those with loads of rare and legendary items :)
Nice idea, but I still like to see pop ups when i got extraordinary or legendary item. Becauce I do not like to choose see any normal drops for every battle...