Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

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Piggy the Slayer
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Piggy the Slayer »

An empty tavern. Bonus.
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by sorrow »

Lol not good when your a Lvl 5 and need to buy some goods lol

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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by oskarwiksten »

Thank you so much, everyone that so far has helped alpha-test the new release before we release it to Google Play. Your input is really invaluable in making Andor's Trail the quality product that it is. Thank you so much!

I'll try to answer each of your questions and suggestions as well as I can:
Sarumar wrote: Something is wrong in Remgard :-) npc like Norath tels to player the old story again..
Did Norath tell anything else in the previous version? The history of the conversation files say that his conversation has not changed at all in this version. Are you sure that he really did say something else in the previous version?
Sarumar wrote: Emerei in Remgard is alive :shock: (earlier i put idol under his ped)... And now when i entered his house i still found the idol under the bed... how he can be still alive... walking aroun and talking something about ".... visitors...'
Can Emerei really be killed or removed? The game resource files from last version do not show any such way. Did you manage to remove him somehow in the last version? Are you sure that he was not around in the last version as well? The resource files show no changes to neither his whereabouts nor the possibility of removing him from the maps.
tek wrote: 1. The chaosreaper by default subtracts 30% from your overall AC. Nothing new there, but I noticed that when it is equipped in the offhand and w/o any points in the dual wield skill, only 25% of this -30% is applied to the hero's total AC. I.e., it only goes down 8%. Yet with 1 point in the dual wield skill the % grows to -15% & with 2 points in this skill the full 30% is subtracted. I think that in the case of a minus %, the hero should not benefit from not investing points in the dual wield skill.
Awesome. That's a bug. Fighting style skills should not apply to negative stats on items.
Sarumar wrote: JoF or Marrowtaint do not reduce AP cost while using two weapon
Good find, Sarumar! That's certainly a bug. In alpha1, dual-wielding made AP cost of other items than the main-hand and off-hand be ignored.
tek wrote: 3. The animation (pulsating) of the shadow regeneration icon (red cross) is still occurring after reaching full health.
The code for determining which effect animation to run is really messy. I'll clean up that code for alpha2 and in the meanwhile fix this issue. Clean code FTW :) Thanks for reporting it!
tek wrote: 4. I noticed that the world map tiles that I previously visited are no longer showing on the map.
But they do refresh when you revisit them, right? The worldmap png file names are changed in this version, from for example "wild9.png" to "wild9.7b6ace81.png", based on the hash of the tiles that make up the map. Since maps can change layouts based on your quest progress now, we need to keep track of which layout you should see on the worldmap. Anyway, I'll update alpha2 to re-read the old map filenames if the new hash-based files do not yet exist, to make the transition from the old version smoother.
tek wrote: 5. I noticed that the world map tiles are no longer shared across games.
Didn't you mention the fact that maps on the worldmap carried across savegames as a bug during last release? That bug from last version is now fixed. You might also see some side-effects from your pt 4 on this, since the map filenames are being changed and recreated.
tek wrote: 6. 338: Center quick items in landscape mode has not been resolved.
The issue on googlecode is not resolved, so it's not merged yet, see? Anyway, for alpha2 we'll get the possibility of having this as a preference instead.
tek wrote: 7. "Two-teeth NPC says "ratpoison". This should be 2 words.
9. Maevalia says: I though I heard him..." "though" is misspelled. Missing the trailing 't'.
Sarumar wrote: a big -1 becauce i cannot go to game reference menu without closing the game.....
I presume you mean the preferences. You can still reach them without closing the game by accessing them from the main menu? Would you care to explain what makes that different than the previous way? Do you go into preferences a lot during regular gameplay? If there's something in preferences that you tend to tweak a lot, we might want to move that to a function of its own. I'd really like to hear more input on what you actually think is "-1" about this.
Sarumar wrote: Some of the npc in Loneford talks about old things (already completed quest)..
Did they say anything else in the last version? The changelog for their conversation files show no differences in content. Maybe they always said those things? Are you certain they said something else in the old version?
Sarumar wrote: There are some "old" weapons without decription; two-handed weapon; Gutsplitter, Skullcrusher
Would you like to write the text that should be displayed for the Gutsplitter and Skullcrusher? Also, I guess there are more items where we could have a more vivid description, such as the RoLS. Anyone care to write a text for it?
pengel wrote: Downloaded and installed it today. It looks very good from what I have seen so far. I haven't had any problems so far other than my crappy SD card deciding to pick today to stop working. I played for about 2 hours today with characters of several levels just so I could see some of the new stuff. I'll probably start fresh with a new char tomorrow. Keep up the excellent work. This is by far my favorite game for Android.
Thank you, pengel for taking the time to write something positive. Input from positive players such as you is what drives this project forward!
Sarumar wrote: ahh i just found the"lightweight chainmail" ... IMO it is too cheap... price of this item need to be something like 1,5 * champion's chain mail
I disagree. The BC of 24 on "Champion's chain mail" is almost double the BC of 13 for "Lightweight chainmail". With the armor skills upgraded, you'll be able to use the Champion's chain mail like .. uh .. well .. a champion.
Sarumar wrote: some conversation problem with npc in Vilegatd too
I don't get it. What is the problem?
Sarumar wrote: There are some new Two-hand weapons... I love the idea, but all of those (buyable) new weapons are useless :( Please make them stronger... at least ad 10 point to bace damage...
Please keep in mind that we also need to provide low-level items that are two-handed, for the people that start anew and want to go fully on the two-handed path from the start. There are more awesome two-handed weapons available for higher-level players that are .. well .. awesome.
only1doug wrote: So I can spend 1 skillpoint to increase 2 categories of weapons by 10 or the same skillpoint could increase my attack chance with all weapon categories by 12...
I totally agree. We need to change that balance somehow. This is a topic for the next dev meeting (2013-06-30). Good input, only1doug!
only1doug wrote: Fayvara Dialogue
It must be my Swedish acting up again :) Fix ready for alpha2. Thanks for the input! Can you find any more spelling or grammatical errors, I'd love to hear! I'm sure there are several.
only1doug wrote: So the light armour skill increases the block chance of the worn armour by 30% of its base, the dodge skill increases your base block by 9. light armours would have to have a base block chance of 30 for the armour proficiency skill to equal the benfit of the dodge skill.
Keep in mind that the armor proficiencies work on all pieces of armor, and not only the chest piece. It's not that hard to find a set of boots, gloves, headwear and bodywear that in total add up to 30 BC. The armor proficiency skill is very much dependent on the items that you find, and having items with even higher BC would mean that you'd gain by choosing the armor proficiency skill compared to the dodge skill. I think it's a good compromise of "benefit early" or "benefit later" in terms of skill choice and character development. Will be interesting to see the builds that people do with this!
Wyrmspawn wrote: When I killed that monster in the depths of the mine, and I went back to claim my reward, I told the woman I had killed the monster. Then, when I saw I would have a choice of rewards, I stepped out of the conversation and saved the game. When I re-engaged in conversation, I found that it said I hadn't killed the monster yet.
Hey, Wyrmspawn. Good to see you! Awesome, these are exactly the types of things we need to fix before releasing to Google Play. Great find! Fixing it for alpha2.
sorrow wrote: I got the fungus for lodar and gave it to him now I can no longer go to the trading screen to buy his other potions.
Good find. Fixing it for alpha2.
sorrow wrote: I have to say I love the xul'viir but it may be boarder line overpower at normal stats
Ok. I'm nerfing it for alpha2. Thanks for reporting it!
tek wrote: Nor does the effect of the actor condition get reflected in NPC's stats.
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that monsters are not affected by actor conditions? As I see it, their combat stats are affected the same way the player's stats are when being dealt some stats-changing condition? Can you give an example effects of actor conditions that do not get reflected in the NPC's stats?

Anything else that someone has noticed? Please keep the input coming!

An open-source project like this is so awesome in that respect, that all of your input can be gathered before we do the actual release to the larger player base. We in the dev group are so happy to have all of your input.

Thank you yet again, everyone that has tried the alpha version and commented on things that you've found!
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Tulkas »

Oskar, thanks to you and all the devs for bringing us this game! It's classic RPG goodness!
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Pyrizzle »

The game does seem to run a lot slower than before (Maybe I am used to the sped up version?)

This update is looking great!

Thanks everyone for testing and reporting anything you find that is wrong!! :mrgreen:

Bug (small one) : I loaded a savefile (Kazaul Caves) when i left all the map tiles are gone but when i moved up a map and opened my map i am standing outside my map... Once i moved onto the next map square they all came up when i checked my map again.

Player Name:Pyro
Lvl:24XP:244KAP:2/10HP:80AC: 189%AD:13-21CHS:-6CM: 0BC: 20%DR:2

May Elythara bless you and light your path!

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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Piggy the Slayer »

Might be stuck in a maze but at least I have the most Extraordinary armour.
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Pyrizzle »

Piggy the Slayer wrote:Might be stuck in a maze but at least I have the most Extraordinary armour.
Yeah the green maze can be quite confusing.

Player Name:Pyro
Lvl:24XP:244KAP:2/10HP:80AC: 189%AD:13-21CHS:-6CM: 0BC: 20%DR:2

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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Antison »

tek wrote: wrote:
Nor does the effect of the actor condition get reflected in NPC's stats.
oskar wrote: I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that monsters are not affected by actor conditions? As I see it, their combat stats are affected the same way the player's stats are when being dealt some stats-changing condition? Can you give an example effects of actor conditions that do not get reflected in the NPC's stats?


What I meant was this: You equip a weapon that causes an actor condition like Dazed and the NPC get inflected. You now click on the NPC's icon during battle to see its stats. That window shows the dazed icon, but the stats of the NPC is not dynamic. Example: NPC has an AC of 100%, you inflect Dazed. I would love to see the AC displayed as 60%.


1. What about showing the actor conditions being inflected in the combat log?
2. What about the issue I reported and provided screenshots for where the red X in the world map is shown on the black map tiles. That map never fells in or it does then vanishes.
3. Yes, I was the one that reported that and asked that the world map not be shared amongst the game files. I am thrilled about this. THANKS!

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Last edited by Antison on Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by sorrow »

Thanks us the chance to.steak your baby lol. I love the game. Best game EVER!!!!
Also oskar, if possible can you make the Hira'zinn a wee bit harder? When I fought him I think total damage he did was like 25. Heck the bat that seemed to come out of no where did more damage then the hira'zinn.

are you talking about the serpents hauberk? Its a.great piece of armour.

Lvl:80 XP:9214038 Gold:1mil Hp:243 AC:301 Ad:28-49 Ch:21 Cm:2.0 Ecc:15 BC:148 Dr:3

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Re: Alpha test Andor's Trail v0.7.0

Post by Antison »

also, I'm getting a lot of missing battle headers like this:
Click the hero icon, then go back and it is back
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