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Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:25 pm
by Mino
It was pointed out either in this thread or another one, that the value of some of these skills also depends on if you're a brand new player, or have been playing for a while like most of us, and I agree with that too.

It also depends on if you're only playing to complete the quests and then putting the game away (figuratively) until the next update. That might seem absurd to a lot of us regulars who keep playing :ugeek: but I'm sure there's more casual players out there. So to them, a quick boost to AC or BC might be worth it.

As for Magic Finder, I agree strategy-wise it isn't worth much, but sanity-wise if it gets me that RoLS, ElyR, or any other legendary or extraordinary items, even if I can't prove that the skill made a difference, it will have been worth it to me.

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:17 pm
by Chest_Rockfield
Kinda makes me wonder how much bigger the game is going to get though. What if it gets so huge you have to build for the long haul? I think the best games are ones that require a significant amount of grinding; it just adds something to the resolution to me. If that is the case, you may need to spend your skill points the best way you can.

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:41 pm
by ctnbeh13

Thank you for the honorable mention. If you start getting too much negative feedback about your lengthy posts, don't let it bother you, as we can always start our own self help group.

As I was adopted, maybe we're related. I haven't read a post that long since… mine.

Generally speaking to all readers, and in order to qualify for staying on topic, I would like to mention that essentially what you've stated, and Mino as well, is that the true value and/or benefit of a particular skill is going to be related to what level your at in game play, as well as what your goal or style of it is. As a result of this, my overview of the individual skills and my assessment of their benefit and/or significance, was essentially that, an overview or summary. Given the length of time it takes to earn a skill point in contrast to what already can be considered a content and feature rich game play experience, spending a skill point on what's most beneficial to your character to develop for your own personal enjoyment is the best way to go. I find no value in one player faulting another simply based on their own personal use of skill points. Some players, such as nyktos, enjoys building new characters and experimenting with different skills and styles of play. Some may hold a critical view of this as being wasted game play time, but the choice is his, and as a result of it, is in a position unique to many of us that allows him to offer advice, insight, and feedback that is particularly useful to new players that are in question as to how best develop their character. I personally wish to offer my praise and acknowledgment of his contribution in this area.

While still in the moment of being thankful for the membership and presence of so many overlooked and/or underappreciated contributors, I wish to openly welcome and congratulate Pyrizzle in his appointment to the list of Global Moderators for the Andor's Trail forum.

Well, that's it for this post (and for those of you who detest long forum posts, I wish to say, "shame on you, and your welcome"). End of line… ;)

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:55 pm
by Bornain
I would have quoted your post ctnbeh13, but it wouldn't fit on my phone. Lol.

Great post +100

As I said in another thread its great to see Pyrizzle and Nyktos as moderators.

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:09 pm
by Pyrizzle
ctnbeh13 wrote: Some players, such as nyktos, enjoys building new characters and experimenting with different skills and styles of play. Some may hold a critical view of this as being wasted game play time, but the choice is his, and as a result of it, is in a position unique to many of us that allows him to offer advice, insight, and feedback that is particularly useful to new players that are in question as to how best develop their character. I personally wish to offer my praise and acknowledgment of his contribution in this area.
I did this as well when i started testing beta when it came out. I wanted to see the effects of the skills on a new player.
ctnbeh13 wrote: I wish to openly welcome and congratulate Pyrizzle in his appointment to the list of Global Moderators for the Andor's Trail forum.
Thank you Ctnbeh13. I would also like to welcome and congratulate Nykos the the Moderators family.

We will always be here to help you guys out when you need a helping hand.

I agree that the skills do benifit people differently depending on how they build/play the game. But i do some some of the skills could use a little tweaking to make them a litle more benificial to all players (& make choosing which skills you use even harder)

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:22 am
by ctnbeh13

As I have been committed to a number of other projects, I was not aware of your being added to the list of Global Moderators for the Andor's Trail forum. I wish to welcome and congratulate you in your appointment to the list.

I'll do my best to remain on topic…, or I'll take it to the Fallhaven Tavern. In case you hadn't heard, I have a private table there now in back, with its own fireplace. :)

Please stay on topic

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:48 am
by kabbie1882
Post have been removed as being off topic.

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:29 pm
by Samuel
Chest_Rockfield wrote:Might I also add that if you are going to pick Fortitude, the very best way is to take it at level 4 & 8.
This is not possible. You can put a skill in it at level 5, another at level 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, ...

Here is a benefit table: (considering 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 14 skillpoints have been spend as soon as possible to Fortitude)

Code: Select all

Level  1SP  2SP  3SP  4SP  5SP  6SP  7SP  8SP  9SP 10SP 14SP
5        0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
20      15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15
35      30   45   45   45   45   45   45   45   45   45   45
50      45   75   90   90   90   90   90   90   90   90   90
65      60  105  135  150  150  150  150  150  150  150  150
80      75  135  180  210  225  225  225  225  225  225  225
95      90  165  225  270  300  315  315  315  315  315  315
110    105  195  270  330  375  405  420  420  420  420  420
125    120  225  315  390  450  495  525  540  540  540  540
140    135  255  360  450  525  585  630  660  675  675  675
155    150  285  405  510  600  675  735  780  810  825  825
170    165  315  450  570  675  765  840  900  945  975  990
185    180  345  495  630  750  855  945 1020 1080 1125 1170
200    195  375  540  690  825  945 1050 1140 1215 1275 1365

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:19 pm
by Chest_Rockfield
Oops, I didn't know there were restrictions on Fortitude. Okay, in my opinion, new players should get to Fortitude 2 as fast as Androidily possible.

Re: (TESTERS)Skills in V0.6.10

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:47 am
by Mino
ncer wrote:Going back to the lower move cost, would it be possible to build up an AP bonus with Cleave and actually still have that AP when you engage another monster that wasn't in the previous fight? If so a lower move cost will help keep the AP up. Would be cool if you could actually gain an enormous amount of AP that way (and then lose it to some crappy rat that manages to strike you first ;).
Thought I'd re-post this question here for ncer, and also for me because I would also like an answer to this. If the AP you gain from Cleave doesn't have a time limit and remains until used for an attack or other move with a cost, it can potentially be the most powerful skill in the game, especially at higher levels.

I was thinking about this earlier:
If you have a high enough AC & AD, and equip the quickstrike dagger + Jewel of fallhaven (attack cost 2), and go on a killing spree of small/weak creatures (ant, forest snake, small rabid dog), as long as your stats are good enough to practically guarantee a 1-hit kill, you would have a net gain of +1 AP per kill, which means you'd be able to grind for AP, going as high as 100s or even 1000s depending on how patient you are, then take that extra AP and go after a boss with high HP and make sure you get enough hits to finish them off. And that's just at level 1 of Cleave. With level 2 (+6 AP per kill) you could use a critical hit weapon with attack cost of 3 (with the jewel) and break even on anything you kill in 2 hits.

On a somewhat related note, I was thinking of putting up a list of all the skills in a new post and also include my own evaluation of each skill (I'll put that part in spoilers). Which is when I started thinking about how much Cleave could end up being worth.