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Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:46 pm
by ejwessel
tek wrote:However, nobody else agrees and I don't want to argue anymore as the code is written already with the "all"button button which gets me 99% of what I wanted but just not with a clean GUI.
Samuel wrote:But how to avoid frustration with this? I think transparency is very important.
I implemented it with just one line, but now I think its conceptional wrong compared with an all button.
I really feel this is user defined rather than defined for any particular reason. I second tek and suggested this earlier, however I agree with Samuel in which it is not intuitive...
My solution: Take a poll. If more people desire the '-' over the 'all' then do it; we can't make everybody happy unfortunately :?

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:07 pm
by Countvlad54
A solution!!!

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:33 pm
by Samuel
You still would have to convince Oskar, as he commits all the code.
Perhaps he should be asked in the first place.

Also I don't know if a forum poll would reflect the average Andor's Trail player.
IMO there are more experienced players here.

On the other hand the new "All" button takes away some precious space from the slider:

Code: Select all

This code needs to be changed in the incrementValueAndRepeat function:

Code: Select all

int newAmount = getTextboxAmount() + countValue;

Code: Select all

int newAmount = getTextboxAmount() + countValue;
// only set amount to max on first press on the "-1"-button - will prevent to start at max when holding the button
if(countTime == 0 && newAmount < 1) newAmount = totalAvailableAmount;

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:39 am
by ejwessel
Samuel wrote:You still would have to convince Oskar, as he commits all the code.
Perhaps he should be asked in the first place.
Will do, I'll shoot him and email now. Though I don't think he'll care as long as the players are happy and that possibly we addressed the issue.
Samuel wrote:Also I don't know if a forum poll would reflect the average Andor's Trail player.
IMO there are more experienced players here.
True, but it would generate some ideas as to where some players do lean currently. The statistics of it might be off because the pool of people will and might be small, but none the less we will have something.

I also agree that the "All" button takes up space. It's somewhat ugly IMO

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:32 am
by ejwessel
Actually what if we replaced the -1 and +1 with arrows instead(<, could be and image)? That way people wouldn't correlate numerically, but instead correlate symbols and numbers which might be a little more helpful. Just an idea.

Also I think we should have an image or text describing what we're buying/selling/dropping, for confirmation purposes.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:11 am
by Antison
ejwessel wrote:Actually what if we replaced the -1 and +1 with arrows instead(<, could be and image)? That way people wouldn't correlate numerically, but instead correlate symbols and numbers which might be a little more helpful. Just an idea.

Also I think we should have an image or text describing what we're buying/selling/dropping, for confirmation purposes.
I agree. Good idea.

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:26 pm
by oskarwiksten
my opinion is that the "All" button both satisfies the functionality for the first-time players (it's sufficiently intuitive), and for the experienced players (it's fast to reach the maximum amount).

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:18 pm
by kendraso
oskarwiksten wrote:my opinion is that the "All" button both satisfies the functionality for the first-time players (it's sufficiently intuitive), and for the experienced players (it's fast to reach the maximum amount).

Re: Bulk buy/sell/drop interface collaboration

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:07 pm
by ejwessel
Great that settles it, we'll leave it as is =D Thanks Oskar