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Changes to the "Overview" tab/screen

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:30 am
by Antison
For those of you that have put skill points into anyone of the 3 character condition resistance skills ("Strong Mind", "Enduring Body", "Pure Blood") will probably appreciate this idea. This is not a big deal as this will only eliminate simple mathematics to be performed by the player, but it is a matter of convenience. Instead of having to go into the "Skills" tab/screen (which I always have to do because I never go into that tab unless I am skilling-up), scrolling down to the bottom to see the 3 character condition resistance skills to see how much skill points you have in each then having to do the elementary school mathematics of #skill points * 10% to know what % of resistance to that condition you have, it would be convenient to have it in the Overview" tab/screen under the "Base combat Statistics" section.

I suggest the following 3 labels added to the "Overview" tab/screen under the "Base combat Statistics" section:
"Mental Conditions block chance"
"Physical Capacity Conditions block chance"
"Blood Disorder Conditions block chance"

Re: Changes to the "Overview" tab/screen

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:45 am
by Samuel
I don't care.

There are other skills that should be considered to be included there:
- Cleave
- Corpse Eater
- Evasion
- Regeneration

Perhaps others.

Re: Changes to the "Overview" tab/screen

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:37 am
by Antison
Samuel wrote:I don't care.

There are other skills that should be considered to be included there:
- Cleave
- Corpse Eater
- Evasion
- Regeneration

Perhaps others.
Yes, but they don't really have a tangible stat like "Bark Skin" affects damage resistance or one of the ones I mentioned earlier that affects your block % on a character condition.