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magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:37 am
by scottdog
i was wondering what u guys feel about this skill system,my choice is i think its a waste of points unless u use a vast my first rols pretty quick without using the skill system,used 2 points which should up my chances by 50% for each point but 1500 aprox rocks later no second rols.i know its just a question of luck for the rols but i thought with the magic finder it would have dropped by now that is why i find the magic finder pointless in a way,your thoughts !

level 53

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:02 pm
by mirajp1
scottdog wrote:i was wondering what u guys feel about this skill system,my choice is i think its a waste of points unless u use a vast my first rols pretty quick without using the skill system,used 2 points which should up my chances by 50% for each point but 1500 aprox rocks later no second rols.i know its just a question of luck for the rols but i thought with the magic finder it would have dropped by now that is why i find the magic finder pointless in a way,your thoughts !

level 53

As you said its just matter of luck.

I got my first ROLS for 2200 rocks and second one took more than 5000 rocks with magic finder 2.
I though that with magic finder it would be easy bit well I was out of luck :D

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:11 pm
by kerasi
If you have a lot of points then it's probably a great skill. But then those points could be spent somewhere more useful (IMO). If you don't have many points in MF and you get a RoLs for example what's not to say you were going to get it anyway even without those few points in MF.

Samuel has some numbers in this thread right at the top to show the usefulness of MF.

I've been contemplating getting 5 points in Failure Mastery just for lols. Would take away any risk from the game. Unless they brought in item durability :S

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:41 pm
by scottdog
that is my thinking like u say its just a matter of luck.i think even with the maximum points i think us poor souls could still be grinding what seems like to be for ever for the only leg item thats worth grinding for

level 53
1 rols and probally no more

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:00 pm
by Antison
I used one skill point in "magic finder" while grinding for my RoL and after doing so, I looted the sword shortly after. I know luck was involved, but I will never regret the decision to use a skill point in magic finder as the RoL is so vital to my character build.

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:07 pm
by scottdog
as we all no its just matter of luck but what im saying is that i think with the skill system you no excactly what you are getting 100% with the others as with the magic finder its hit and hope even with the maximum it is a gamble wether u use your points on it.everyone has there own stratergy how to use them but in my opinion is dont waste your points on it.

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:07 pm
by Mino
I agree that logically, its a waste of Skill Points that could better be used on skills where you see a definite benefit.

Having said that, I threw 10 skill points into Magic Finder, and even though there's still a lot of chance involved, I got a full collection of all the L&E items within about a week of playing (I spent months before this last update trying to and never getting a RoLS, and same for the ElyR). So emotionally (if that's the right word), it was worth it.

Re: magic finder

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:53 pm
by Pyrizzle
I wouldn't put more than 2 in magic finder, I dont regret putting skillpoints into it

Re: magic finder

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:06 am
I myself find magic finder great i have 2 points. Also have 2RoLS at level 42. The thing is the chances are the same for every monster battle for those drops to happen the counts are an average for most players there might be some who never get it because they have 0 luck.

Re: magic finder

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:11 am
by kerasi
I've got a few unused skill points i've saved till i know what i want to do with them.

I know from previous games i'm very unlucky when it comes to drop rates.

I'm on 1100 rocks grinding for my Rols

The temptation to use them for MF is great but i could grind another 1000 rocks before i get my Rols. On the other hand i could get it very quickly........If i can get a Rols without it then i've saved some skill points to use elsewhere......decisions decisions i'm always at war with myself........