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Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:25 am
by scottdog
Just wondering what are your stats for the quickest drop for a leg item(eg,10 rocks Rols) and the longest drop ,would be good if some one could do some sort of chart for this, I got my first Rols around 100 rocks but no more leg items at the moment,thanks guys

level 55 (1 Rols)

Re: leg items drop ratio poll

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:40 am
by nyktos
my quickest "Legendary" (with MF 2) was around 40 rocks for a RoLS

my quickest "Legendary" (without MF) was around 800 rocks for a RoLS


i had average luck with the RoL [roughly 10K kills] (no MF)

and very poor luck with the ElyR [roughly 40K kills] (no MF)


*MF = magic finder skill

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:01 am
by scottdog
40 rocks for a Rols so can anyone beat that ! i wonder if anyone has obtained 1 with there first hit but 40 is a good score to beat !



1.nytkos Rols 40rocks(mf+2)

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:27 pm
by nyktos
dont get me wrong, i paid my dues for a ring!


i got my very first ring before Skills were introduced, at around 1350 rocks.

on a new character, with skills (MF 2 - as i stated before)...
i got two rings, the first was around 840, THEN i got the 40 rock RoLS.

but, even that being said...
i have been VERY lucky with these rings.

if my new character gets a RoLS then my total RoLS count will be SEVEN!
(across all characters, all time)

:shock: :lol:

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:40 pm
by sdevaney
I am at 1438 rocks, plus however many I have thrown away, and a MF of 2....still no ring

It really is just luck and persistence.

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:47 am
by Sarumar
5240 rocks no MF and 3 RoLS

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:04 am
by scottdog
How many rocks for your first Rols sarumar !

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:23 am
by ncer
Just got my 2nd RolS for this build at 6476 rocks (I discarded any others I had before starting the grind), though I got the 1st after only a little more than 1000. For my other build my only RolS took +/-6100 as well.

I got an ElyR almost accidentally, whenever I got bored with grinding for the RoL I'd do a quick mountain tour. The 4th or 5th time I did this I suddenly found I had picked something up.The RoL on the other hand took a long time, especially because due to not siding with either Prim or Blackwater there was no way to defeat the guardian. I would also frequently make a tour for the GolF and picked that up while grinding for the RoL as well. Not sure from memory how long the RoL took, I think I posted it somewhere on these boards before though, same for the other numbers.

No MF in either of my builds.

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:44 am
by Sarumar
scottdog wrote:How many rocks for your first Rols sarumar !
1302 rocks for first one + prox 700 for another and much later one more

Re: Legendary Item - Drop Ratio Tally

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:21 pm
by lady black
I think I hold the record for the longest time for a RoLS drop: 7501 rocks without MF, plus 1257 with 2MF, total 8758 rocks, equalling 40,060 kill-equivalents (0MF).
I also got the quickest RoL, on my very first trip through the Kazaul cave, or the first half of it, since there was a weird red creature blocking the bridge. I had no idea what the RoL was, did not save and lost it when I later died and reloaded a game from before getting the RoL. So I don't suppose that counts, but I did get it. It took forever to get one I could hang on to, and I still have only 2 of them, to 4 or more of the other 5 legendary & extraordinary items.
I probably have the quickest GoLF, at 2 polished sparkling gems. (MF = 2)