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The Trail to Remgard

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:58 am
by insink71
As I haven't found my way to this city, I consider this a quest sort of. Once this discussion concludes, the mods can close this thread and take highlights (which I will try to include in this OP) and combine it with a useful thread (like Nyktos guide perhaps).
So, I started this journey but didn't get too far. Following the road signs, I came across a fisherman's shack. He had an infested garden to the south with no obvious exits... So then I went the other direction (although I couldn't decipher what the sign said. This led me to a cave with a scaredy-cat at the entrance, warning me to turn around. I probably should have taken his advice; as, I didn't make it past a point with three little pig looking creatures.. suppose the three of them hacking on me made me succomb to unconsciousness. But that's where I'm at. No need to draw me a map or explain the whole route just yet.. but I would welcome a hint as to what direction I should follow next.
Do I swim from the fisherman's wharf?
Do I go back and kill the three lil pigs in a couple trainings?
or Do I try some other direction?

Thanks for your time.

Re: The Trail to Remgard

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:21 pm
by duallifes
Trail to Remgard is currenly available only in the beta version (am I right?)
But the way there is something like this:
From the fishermans shack, go little west, then north and from the Iqhuan caves (dont go inside the cave) head east, then keep heading south/east a loooooong way. If I am correct (I havent been in remgard yet) you will eventually hit a cave, go through it and keep on following.
This route is _extremely long_ and _extremely demanding_. If you have problems with Iqhuans, dont even try the route to Remgard.
Feel free to correct as its very likely I am wrong in the directions.

Re: The Trail to Remgard

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:14 pm
by insink71
I suppose the three lil pigs are in the izquan family... so I will not attempt for now. But yes, it is only available in the 0.6.11b2 (now) version at present as far as I know.


Re: The Trail to Remgard

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:32 pm
by Sarumar
duallifes wrote:Trail to Remgard is currenly available only in the beta version (am I right?)
But the way there is something like this:
From the fishermans shack, go little west, then north and from the Iqhuan caves (dont go inside the cave) head east, then keep heading south/east a loooooong way. If I am correct (I havent been in remgard yet) you will eventually hit a cave, go through it and keep on following.
This route is _extremely long_ and _extremely demanding_. If you have problems with Iqhuans, dont even try the route to Remgard.
Feel free to correct as its very likely I am wrong in the directions.

+1 Excellent route map. IMO, i strongly suggest anyone to grind Iqhan cave.. there is something really nice here ;)

Re: The Trail to Remgard

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:40 am
by insink71
Ok, thanks for replies. Mod can feel free to close/combine with another relevant thread. I will suggest Remgard by scottdog since his thread predates this one. Thanks again.
