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Wiki Documentation

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:53 am
by Taledus
I see that the last dev meeting took place on Aug. 12, but cannot find any details on the next meeting, nor items that are going to be discussed.

Also, I know this game is open source, but is the Design Outline the most detailed design document the game has? There seems to be a lot that is not there, and some of my ideas for instance, there is no way to tell if they would be suitable for the game. I think this is the issue for most of the ideas that have been posted.

08/27/12 - Changed name of thread. Entire thread mainly deals with documenting the wiki.

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:18 am
by Pyrizzle
Taledus wrote:I see that the last dev meeting took place on Aug. 12, but cannot find any details on the next meeting, nor items that are going to be discussed.

Also, I know this game is open source, but is the Design Outline the most detailed design document the game has? There seems to be a lot that is not there, and some of my ideas for instance, there is no way to tell if they would be suitable for the game. I think this is the issue for most of the ideas that have been posted.
Dev meetings normally happen on Sundays,

Aug 12th
Aug 19th
Aug 26th (i think would be the next one, depending on DEV scheduals)

We are working on getting more information out to all the forum members and are always looking for new and exciting ideas to make the game even better than it already is.

Happy hunting! -Pyro

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:26 am
by Taledus
So, everything has already been determined for the game, more than what is available on the forums and the Google code pages?

I'm not referring to storyline either...pretty much all the other aspects about the game.

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:32 am
by Pyrizzle
Didn't say that. Nothing is set in stone and the game is ever changing. We accept all suggestions but will put to use the ones we see fit to add the game. Oskar has the final say on everything but I know he is always searching for new ideas to make the game even better.

For example: i thought we were going to be mostly finished with the available skills in the current update but found out lately that there are 16 (i think) more skills to be added in the next one.

A lot of the content that came out in the current edition were started as ideas on the forum here.

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:02 pm
by Taledus
Pyrizzle wrote: For example: i thought we were going to be mostly finished with the available skills in the current update but found out lately that there are 16 (i think) more skills to be added in the next one.

A lot of the content that came out in the current edition were started as ideas on the forum here.
A lot of what I see discussed on the forums about future content to add to the game is pretty much tweaked content that already exists (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)...not saying that more of those is a bad thing, but those types of dynamics already exist in the game. There is a lot more that doesn't appear to be defined anywhere, and it seems that when suggestions arise dealing with certain other dynamics of the game that there isn't a lot of discussion on them, nor a yes/no type of response if they are being considered.

Are the only areas being taken into consideration tweaks to existing content (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)?

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:39 pm
by Pyrizzle
Taledus wrote:A lot of what I see discussed on the forums about future content to add to the game is pretty much tweaked content that already exists (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)...not saying that more of those is a bad thing, but those types of dynamics already exist in the game. There is a lot more that doesn't appear to be defined anywhere, and it seems that when suggestions arise dealing with certain other dynamics of the game that there isn't a lot of discussion on them, nor a yes/no type of response if they are being considered.

Are the only areas being taken into consideration tweaks to existing content (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)?
If there are ideas that you feel passionate about keep posting/responding to the threads. Most of the threads that are posted on often just happen to be tweaked content.

The things that get discussed the most on the forums are usually what are brought up in the meetings. We are always willing to hear out new ideas and share our thoughts on them.

I've been trying to keep up with the Already suggested Ideas thread so we can go thru all the suggested ideas and try to figure out what will fit into the game.

Is there anything specific that you feel passionate about that you would like to see added to the game? New content, Tweaked content, etc?
Let us know, we (the Admin + Modd teams) are reading the forums.

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:07 pm
by Taledus
I know you guys have been keeping an eye on the forums...I get responses from the admins on just about every one of my posts.

But there are a lot of idea on here and it only seems like very few dev's working on implementing things. As I've pointed out in a few other threads an open source project means I am able to take my ideas and implement them myself...but being a VB.NET/C# programmer instead of a Java programmer makes that a daunting task, but mostly because being involved in actual development of the game kinda ruins the fun of playing. A lot of new stuff would make for an exciting game, but often feel as if it conflicts with stuff that is going to be implemented at some time in the future.

I have actually downloaded the source and have looked at a lot of it just to see how some of the ideas that I have could be implemented and in all honesty it doesn't look very complex...looking into it too much I am afraid I will come across something that will ruin the fun XD.

I'm not sure if I am coming across rudely with this thread or not, so if it is taken that way I want to apologize. Everyone here has been great...and this is still the only game I play on my tablet cause it is full-o-win.

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:56 pm
by sdevaney
Yes the next meeting is scheduled for the 26th we try and do them every two weeks.

The design outline and wiki pages, the meeting minutes, even some of our posts on here are all part of our design plan because they all talk about how and why we do the things we decide to do.
Taledus wrote:So, everything has already been determined for the game, more than what is available on the forums and the Google code pages?

I'm not referring to storyline either...pretty much all the other aspects about the game.
Can you give examples of what you mean by pretty much all other aspects?
Taledus wrote:
Pyrizzle wrote: For example: i thought we were going to be mostly finished with the available skills in the current update but found out lately that there are 16 (i think) more skills to be added in the next one.

A lot of the content that came out in the current edition were started as ideas on the forum here.
A lot of what I see discussed on the forums about future content to add to the game is pretty much tweaked content that already exists (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)...not saying that more of those is a bad thing, but those types of dynamics already exist in the game. There is a lot more that doesn't appear to be defined anywhere, and it seems that when suggestions arise dealing with certain other dynamics of the game that there isn't a lot of discussion on them, nor a yes/no type of response if they are being considered.

Are the only areas being taken into consideration tweaks to existing content (additional skills, more items, additional quests, etc)?
An example of posts you are talking about would be appreciated.

We would like to take every single idea posted under consideration, just because we don't comment on every single idea or thread doesn't mean we don't consider it. Part of it is one of us has to be interested enough in the idea that we post it to the meetings. That being said we take the community's voice very seriously and try to look at every idea that gets the community behind it first. So as Pyro said if there are things you want to see you should post them.

Taledus wrote:But there are a lot of idea on here and it only seems like very few dev's working on implementing things.
We are a very small and spread out (geographically) team of volunteers who all have real lives and jobs and family's and other interests and hobbies and as such we move slower than any paid project.


Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:29 pm
by Taledus
I think I have missed getting the point across of some things I have been talking about.

I'm not trying to come across a pushy on how fast stuff is being implemented or responded to...I understand that this game is unpaid volunteer stuff and people have real life to contend with as well.

What I meant by very few dev's working on things is that people seem to be normal people and limited by what time they can allot to working on implementing ideas...that being said, having something quite a bit more detailed for the design of the game would probably direct more focus towards the main aspects that have been decided for the final version of this game. This would allow for more people to see an exact direction to go, while not being like me and bringing up ideas that do not work within the context of the game.

Pyro has even taken the time to edit the thread with ideas, which does help with following along, but still misses the detailed outline of some of the mechanics of the game. There really isn't one particular post that I can link in order to show what I am talking about any better. And I am not saying that anything is being overlooked, I'm just not being easy to follow along with apparently.

I guess the interest of all this stems from my experience with making what few games I have...they all have very extensive design documents that depict every single aspect of the game's mechanics, references to examples of similar styled games, and a slough of additional information that makes it so much easier for other people to follow along with while still being able to offer up opinions and suggestions to new/changed content for the end product.

As stated, I like this game. I have posted a lot of my ideas, some have gotten better responses than others. Some people have ideas and have no interest with any part of implementing their ideas...that's not me though. I have been trying to locate some contacts from school for additional graphics, yet the only person I have found needs additional information that I have asked about, the style of the game. A few others I have not been able to get in touch with, but that's beside the point. I'd like to help out as much as I can without ruining the game for myself.

Ramble, ramble, ramble...just ignore me cause I seem to not be making much sense with anything today :geek:

Re: Next Dev Meeting?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:40 pm
by sdevaney
Let me put this as simply as I can and hopefully you can do the same for me. :P

What more do you want explained?
Are we not communicating enough and explaining what we are working on?
What game mechanics are not explained well enough?
Any other questions I haven't thought of?
If our documentation isn't good enough to gain more contributors we need to change it.
This community and the people that contribute to the project are extremely important to us and anything we can do to make it a better experience is a top priority.