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improved flow

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:11 pm
by pandora
I dont know if this has been suggested already, if it has just lock the thread. I have two things that are bothering me just a little bit:

I play on my phone, it has touch but also a qwerty keyboard. Its way nicer playing on the keyboard but i seem to need to use touch whenever i want to take a potion. Is there any way of assigning a key to the quickslots? Ive tried every single button but whatever i press just results in an attack or a move. If i want to scroll through the options (end flee or potion) i have to touch any way so it gets a bit annoying. Could you add some keyboard shortcuts if they are not already there? (i seriously hate touching the touchscreen, in the game or any other app for that matter)

Second thing is the roadsign dialogue box. Wouldnt it be better if you can stand on it and a box appears with all the relevant info but you can just move off it to make the box disappear again instead of having to click 'leave'. Same with those npc's in town that dont have any dialogue options except leave. Id like to be able to simply move away from the conversation everytime i accidently run over something or someone. (yes, its the touchscreen i hate touching again but it will actually result in more flowing movement for everyone, not just people who are grossed out by touching warm plastic)

I see that people already suggested character gender so thats great. I just pretend my character is a tomboyish girl wearing a flesh coloured shirt. Even gave it a girl name haahaha.

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:41 pm
by sdevaney
Full support for keyboards with key mapping and such is low on our priority list simply because there are far fewer devices being sold with dedicated keyboards as there were two years ago, or even last year. But I will bring it up at the meeting and see exactly how difficult something like that would have to be in order to cover most phones with at least basic keyboard functions like moving through menu's, selections, etc..

The second thing about being able to move away from dialogue and road signs is something I actually had never thought about before but is intriguing. My main concern is accidental touches to the screen could move you a step away from an NPC and you would loose your dialog place, that could be extremely frustrating. Being able to just move on past a road sign (or any sign) makes a lot of sense though.

Character gender is something we are interested in doing if we can get the graphics for it.

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:50 pm
by nyktos
I think the first pixel work I wanna do is a female...

should she resemble the current hero?

(since they say our hero looks like Andor...)

I posted a joke example, but that was only play...

just can't stand doing that stuff without a mouse.


Re: improved flow

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:31 pm
by phydeaux
The signs could be a toast popup, and possibly do a check for single block conversations and make those a toast popup as well?

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:22 am
by pandora
If nyktos makes a fem char with a mouse im in.... P; And if toast in gaming lingo is the same same as breakfast lingo (bread>butro>redro>GO) then im in too. Kill all roadblocks.

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:24 am
by nether
If NPC's were simply made stationary, I think that would solve that problem really. But then again, that might take away from the game and make it feel more still\paused.... I can't tell you the number of times I've ran into a drunk dude over at Crossglen asking me to drink when I'm just trying to get some sleep.

And toast? Confused

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:40 am
by pandora
Nether i agree, those npcs moving around in MY road are bloody annoying. Same with drunk guards etc in taverns. Id like to just be able to 'move over' npc's. Hell, if you screw over a quest cos u didnt talk to every1 thats ur prob but u dont really want to exchange pleasantries everytime you look for a shady trader or a bed in a tavern. Same with looking for a shop in a town (yes, poke the newb but it makes sense).
-----------------------COMBINED DOUBLE POST--------------------------------
Toast must be slang for easy coding ... (il refrain from mentioning the cylon toasters available in every bloodywell comic shop nowadays...... Nuggets. Sheesh.) Yep. We stick with that. Easy update DEV. And kick the dudes who use the phrase 'good hunting' hahahaahaha. Its a chick thing lol.

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:43 am
by Pyrizzle
pandora wrote: And kick the dudes who use the phrase 'good hunting'
Well i was going to say welcome to the forums, but now i dont think i will.

Happy hunting everyone. :lol:
pandora wrote:Nether i agree, those npcs moving around in MY road are bloody annoying. Same with drunk guards etc in taverns. Id like to just be able to 'move over' npc's.
I get very annoyed with the drunks in the bar always wanting to buy me drinks but never being allowed to take them up on their offer. :lol:

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:15 am
by phydeaux
The little popup when you have short notification set on show monster loot is called a toast

And I agree pyro, you should be able to play the drinking game... Something to think of for later... :twisted:

Re: improved flow

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:24 am
by Pyrizzle
phydeaux wrote:And I agree pyro, you should be able to play the drinking game... Something to think of for later... :twisted:
Definitly if it had a few long term effects on your player,

You lost the game, STATUS EFFECT: Hangover from heck -25% AC because you have such a headache

You won the game, STATUS EFFECT: Hangover from heck -25% AC because you have such a headache

:lol: Or maybe you'd get another negative effect when you are outdoors due to your photosensitivity (i know i tend to hide in the dark when hungover) :lol: