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3 level world

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:33 am
by tiaan rsa
Hi what if andors trails were a 3 level world with mountins as the highest location and also a holy place were the shadow can be found then the middle that's on the ground and then more down you get to the underworld or as they call in on AT the light and you have 2 save your brother there at the end that also means. A lot of quests and new monsters I do not know if this idea has been brought up before thanx for the gr8 game . PLAYING AT IN SOUTH AFRICA

Re: 3 level world

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:39 am
by Sarumar
Welcom to the forums, it is always a pleasure to meet new people here.

Good hunting and please keep on posting for any of your's ideas

Re: 3 level world

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:31 pm
by Taledus
tiaan rsa wrote:Hi what if andors trails were a 3 level world with mountins as the highest location and also a holy place were the shadow can be found then the middle that's on the ground and then more down you get to the underworld or as they call in on AT the light and you have 2 save your brother there at the end that also means. A lot of queats and new monsters I do not know if this idea has been brought up before thanx for the gr8 game . PLAYING AT IN SOUTH AFRICA
Trying to make the AT-Verse appear to have such depth is limited to the graphics available. By using 2D tiles like are currently used, edits to existing tiles, as well as creating new tiles, allow for more depth the be created by the great mappers here.

Currently underneath Flagstone prison is an underground area available already in the game, with additional underground locations scattered throughout the current maps. Also, Black Water Mountain would be about the highest place right now.

I have worked up some tile edits to the existing set, but ultimately they will only go so far. Alot of focus for the game is around other aspects for the engine that pretty much affect the gameplay. Graphics are probably being put on the backburner for the mean time to allow for a more developed game. However, in time there might be some pretty hefty changes to the graphics.

Re: 3 level world

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:44 pm
by Pyrizzle
tiaan rsa wrote:Hi what if andors trails were a 3 level world with mountins as the highest location and also a holy place were the shadow can be found then the middle that's on the ground and then more down you get to the underworld or as they call in on AT the light and you have 2 save your brother there at the end that also means. A lot of queats and new monsters I do not know if this idea has been brought up before thanx for the gr8 game . PLAYING AT IN SOUTH AFRICA
Welcome to the forums! :mrgreen:
Interseting idea, there are a few places kind of like you discribed.
Taledus wrote:
Trying to make the AT-Verse appear to have such depth is limited to the graphics available. By using 2D tiles like are currently used, edits to existing tiles, as well as creating new tiles, allow for more depth the be created by the great mappers here.

Currently underneath Flagstone prison is an underground area available already in the game, with additional underground locations scattered throughout the current maps. Also, Black Water Mountain would be about the highest place right now.

I have worked up some tile edits to the existing set, but ultimately they will only go so far. Alot of focus for the game is around other aspects for the engine that pretty much affect the gameplay. Graphics are probably being put on the backburner for the mean time to allow for a more developed game. However, in time there might be some pretty hefty changes to the graphics.
Flagstone has an underground area
BWM is the highest elevation in game (so far)
There are a few tunnels in the game
The Kazul caves are the closest thing to an underworld in game
and i even heard whispers about a lost labryinth being built with multipul levels. ;)

Re: 3 level world

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:40 pm
by Ian
A labyrinth???
I've never heard of that! :lol: :lol: :lol:
But to take the thread...
I like your idea! Unfortunately, that were lots of changes at coding and tiles.
Nobody knows what will be after finishing the game. Maybe we create a 3d game called AT 2. Just wait what the future brings to us...

Re: 3 level world

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:35 pm
by nyktos
Tiled has an Isometric option!
