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BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:52 pm
by nyktos
Pyrizzle wrote:
Wyrmspawn wrote:You've got 2853 bonemeal?!!? Wow... That must have took some patience.
I keep over 5,000 in my inventory at any given time.

Been stalking up for awhile now. :D

When i heard rumors about putting a replenish time on them i went broke buying them so i would never have to worry about it. Just hope a guard doesn't stop me, I'm sure my bag must make all sorts of clanking noises.

Guard: hey kid, what's in the bag?

Me: ... nothing i swear.
you raise a great point...

let's make the guards sensitive to it!!!


Re: Quick slots improvement

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:26 pm
by Mad P
nyktos wrote:you raise a great point...

let's make the guards sensitive to it!!!

In game mechanics, if the shopkeeper in Remgard can "sense" you have a shield that can be upgraded, it should be possible that the guard recognizes my enormous supplies of bonemeal. to handle? First encounter I'll get away with a warning?
And then what: fighting, imprisonment, they'll put me on a black list?

I like the idea of sensitive guards, but I just don't see how the consequences should work out :?:

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:32 pm
by Kruncha
I like the idea, but I think it will draw attention to the fact that your inventory is unlimited. If the inventory had a weight limit, then it would make sense if you used up most of it with bonemeal, that you'd get nicked...


Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:52 pm
by nyktos
well, the game knows when a player has consumed Bonemeal potions...
and we have always talked about the guards "busting" us.

[well, those who walk the darker path] ("Trail"? haha)

actually, we could work it into a quest-line of sorts...
like: getting baited to use strong potions in front of guards?

something similar to helping the injured man in the woods,
asked for potions - but will accept Bonemeal.

so, you are being punished for actions...
not necessarily for your inventory?

just some thoughts...
kinda in a rush at the moment, more soon!


Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:08 am
by Pyrizzle
Yes Great Idea!

Maybe once you get busted the Cities that are run by the guards (like the crossroads guardhouse) will not sell you equipment anymore.

Maybe they could even attack you when you get too close.

Maybe you can be forced to pay a price (per bonemeal potion in inventory) to keep them, maybe 3 gold each (yes that can get painful)

it would give players insentive to hide them away for when they really need them, or not use them at all.

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:26 am
by SuFiC8
Awesome ideas... Maybe if you get busted, they take your bonemeal, and or put you in jail for x amount of turns lol Maybe you could resist arrest too ( I've been wanting to fight them drunks anyways ) :D

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:31 am
by Pyrizzle
SuFiC8 wrote:Awesome ideas... Maybe if you get busted, they take your bonemeal, and or put you in jail for x amount of turns lol Maybe you could resist arrest too ( I've been wanting to fight them drunks anyways ) :D

(I think i've been hanging around Nyktos too much lately. :lol:)

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:33 am
by Antison
You get caught, you should be able "rat-out" your source for a lesser punishment.

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:36 am
by Pyrizzle
tek wrote:You get caught, you should be able "rat-out" your source for a lesser punishment.
You dirty rat! :lol:

Good suggestion!

Re: BUSTED! [Bonemeal is forbidden] Brainstorm

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:45 am
by SuFiC8
Lol @ rating out your source! +1

As far as getting locked up, maybe if you get busted, instead of being jailed for x amount of turns, you just wake up in the jail ( like when you die and end up in the last bed you slept in ) but instead of xp loss, your bonemeal is gone, but you may leave your cell and re- up your forbidden potions ( shhhh )