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save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:09 pm
by only1doug
Hi, I've been lurking for awhile but this is my first post.

I wonder if it would be possible to add an option to the game options to change the save game directory, I feel that it would be beneficial to be able to directly save to / load from removable memory.

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:34 pm
by Antison

I don't follow what you are asking for. Right now, click your device's menu button, then press "save" and select a slot.
What change are you asking to be made to this process?

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:17 pm
by scottdog
Same with me.I looked at the post and wasn't sure.unless they are on about editing the saved game or something like that.

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:36 pm
by only1doug
I was wondering if it is possible to add an option in the preferences menu that allows you to change the directory in which the save games are stored. Currently my save games are stored in the directory sdcard/andors trail if there was an option to change the default so that i could save the games in removable/microSD/andorstrail then i could automatically save my games to memory card which would simplify transferring them between devices and protect the save files from deletion if the tablet was damaged. (I hadnt been backing up to removable memory and I recently had to send my TF201 back, they factory reset it for me, wiping all my data).

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:52 pm
by scottdog
Buy a sd card for your tablet and save your game on that my save game files just automatically save to my external sd card.

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:10 pm
by only1doug
scottdog wrote:Buy a sd card for your tablet and save your game on that my save game files just automatically save to my external sd card.
My tablet has always had an external SD card in it. I would like my save game files to do what yours do, thats exactly what i was asking for.

Are your andors trail game data files also on your removable sd card? Thats the only way i can think of that your save data would autosave to that location.

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:30 pm
by scottdog
Download a file manager from Google play that will allow you to transfer your saved games from your internal sd to external sd card, there's a few which are saved game is on my external sd card my friend.I think X plore manager can do it and by the way welcome to the forums!

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:44 pm
by only1doug
scottdog wrote:Download a file manager from Google play that will allow you to transfer your saved games from your internal sd to external sd card, there's a few which are saved game is on my external sd card my friend.I think X plore manager can do it and by the way welcome to the forums!
I already have several file manager programs, I have transferred my save games to my external sd card, and i am requesting an in game option that will allow the save games to be automatically saved to or opened from the external sd card. You claim that your save files automatically save to / load from your external sd card, are your game data files also stored on your external sd card?

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:04 pm
by scottdog
The game automatically saves to my phone sd card when I save it so I'm not to sure, all I do is remove the sd card and transfer it to my tablet then use x plore to transfer a saved game on to the tablets internal sd

Re: save and load directory option

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:25 am
by only1doug
scottdog wrote:Buy a sd card for your tablet and save your game on that my save game files just automatically save to my external sd card.
scottdog wrote:Download a file manager from Google play that will allow you to transfer your saved games from your internal sd to external sd card, there's a few which are saved game is on my external sd card my friend.I think X plore manager can do it and by the way welcome to the forums!
Just to clarify a bit, I wasn't asking how to transfer the save game file, I already knew how to do that and this would be the wrong forum to ask in.

I was wondering if changing the location that the game saves to onto removable memory was possible to implement, this would be beneficial to anyone who wants to transfer their game between devices without having to fiddle around with file manager as well as making the game saves safer from device failure.