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Character conditions and the Round mechanism

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:16 pm
by Mad P
Currently, all the actor conditions with an effect each round seem to work the same way: Every six seconds something happens.
But only when you're walking around. When you're fighting the round ends when your AP are depleted or too low to do anything.

There is however a mechanism that when you're leaving the map and go to a new map, the round counting resets and a new round starts.
The same reset mechanism seems to work when you start a fight. Not a big deal you would think, but it is!

It is the most obvious in the conditions that cure or drop your hitpoints: you can walk for more than a minute without being weakened by poisons, as long as you leave a map or start a fight within 5 seconds (that fight must be won in your turn). And that "within 5 seconds" isn't very hard to do, its harder to do nothing in this game for 6 seconds.

I thought I should share this observation with you all. I wouldn't say the round reset mechanism is a bug, it's just how the game works. But like all undocumented features, it's good to know and be aware of!
This way, I made alive it to Thorins bed once, with lethal Irdegh poisons in my hero's body :mrgreen:
But there is a downside as well: it makes regeneration and even shadow regeneration a lot less useful, because they're not quite as often triggered as you would think...

Re: Character conditions and the Round mechanism

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:45 pm
by Ian
Thanks for sharing that feature! IMO, that mechanism should be changed because it's illogical.
The round count system should go on counting when the player changes the map and when he starts fighting.

We would just need somebody to fix this. Probably, that's easy to fix but I can't do it unfortunately. :(