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"Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:26 am
by Tulkas
How about making certain skills that apply to only "good" characters, such as the characters that didn't kill the sheep and didn't side with the witch to get marrow taint, etc. You can have an entirely different set of skills that are available to"evil" character builds (like the people who kept the dark helm, etc)

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:13 pm
by Fire7051
On many threads (too many to list just search for evil as a starting point) within this forum the aspect of good and evil has been discussed. The problem that seems to have arisen is that there is no good; there is no evil; there is only choices. So a skill that is based off of whether the character is good or evil is impossible. However, granting a skill because the character chose a certain path at a certain time is different.

That is why I choose to follow Kazual! Defiler of the Elytharan Temple! :twisted:

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:51 pm
by Wyrmspawn
I just believe in me... As Sarumar has proved, it is definitely possible to be stronger than everything else in the game even if you are unarmed. However, I agree that another quest that gives you a choice of skills would be nice. The problem is, we don't want too many skills to clutter up the skills page, do we? We may end up with almost a hundred different skills two versions later if we go down this path...

As to whether there is any evil to this game, how can you know? Is Lord Geomyr banning bonemeal only so that he may create a monopoly on Healing Potions, or because Bonemeal is truly evil? Has any one side told the full truth in the Remgard Story? What makes Prim good and Blackwater bad, other than the name? Why must Kazaul be evil, and Elythara good? There are endless questions and an eternity of answers in the game of Andor's Trail. There has never been a clear "Good" and "Evil" path in the game, like in real life.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:53 pm
by Tulkas
Good points guys, about the question of Good vs Evil. I guess I should add that perhaps there could be a whole separate branch of skills available based on your choices, as most choices do seem to adhere to one side or the other, whether they be "good or evil" choices or not. And perhaps it could only be two to three available skills? Just a special added bonus to really accentuate the choices you've made in game. It would add a ton of replay value too.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:21 am
by Pyrizzle
there has been a suggestion in the past for skills that you learn based on which factions you help in the game.

For example: Shadow, Feygard, Elyr, Kazul, etc.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:55 am
by Meirerion
Fire7051 wrote: That is why I choose to follow Kazual! Defiler of the Elytharan Temple! :twisted:
Well then, excuse me Sir, you're Evil.

I do agree with Fire as you cannot really say that one god or faction is good or evil. For instance, if the world is ruled by the Shadow choosing to help Elythara is evil but still it can be good if you decide that Elythara is the one true god (She's. Believe me.).

But I like the idea of basing skills (and items etc) more on choices but we've to keep in mind that you should not have an "overpowered" path. Each choice could grant you different type of items and skills.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:52 pm
by Pyrizzle
Meirerion wrote:Elythara is the one true god (She's. Believe me.).
Blessed are the followers of Elythara, may Her light guide you along your ways.


All the choices you have to make in this game are 2 sided and their is no true right or wrong.

for example:
Both Prim and Black Water Mountain Settlement are obviously plotting against each other and are both just as guilty as the other. The story lines for picking either side are similar.
Just because it would be picked by the majority doesn't make it morally right.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:42 pm
by Antison
Pyrizzle wrote: Just because it would be picked by the majority doesn't make it morally right.

Very true! Look at how many NY Yankees fans there are. Morally right? No way. :lol: :D :lol:
After all, they are referred to as the Evil Empire

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:24 am
by PK17
They are terrible, even if they spend an insane amount of money. But my Pirates are getting back on track.

But back on topic. With all of my characters (except my neutral guy) I chose some "good" and some "bad" choices it is all about what I decide is right.

Re: "Good" vs "Evil" skills

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:54 am
by Pyrizzle
Yes but those choices are not always black and white. There is a lot of grey areas in Andor's Trail.