User Control Panel > Profile > Edit Signature > (after adding info) Enter
Information to put into your signature: (just replace all the xx with your stats, then delete the ones you don't have)
Player Name:
Lvl: xx XP: xx AP: xx/xx HP: xx AC: xx% AD: xx-xx CHS: xx CM: xx.x BC: xx% DR: xx
(remove this space)
Skills: WA: xx HH: xx Me: xx Do: xx BS: xx MC: xx BC: xx CS: xx TH: xx QL: xx Cl: xx IF: xx
Ev: xx Reg: xx FM: xx MF: xx SM: xx EB: xx PB: xx IB: xx Fr: xx Rej: xx Ta: xx Co:
WP:Da: xx WP:1S: xx WP:2S: xx WP:AX: xx WP:BL: xx WP:BA: xx AP:N: xx AP:L: xx AP:H: xx AP:S: xx FS:WS: xx FS:DW: xx FS:2H: xx S:WS: xx S:DW: xx S:2H: xx
(remove this space)
L+E: RoLS: xx Elyr: xx RoL: xx ChaR: xx Golf: xx Shaf: xx Srov: xx VSH: xx GoW: xx WMC: xx
Status Effects: SR Bl RW DS
**Please try to keep your signatures compact to make it easier for players to find information on the forums.
Legend: (what the abbreviations mean)
*Updated with information from V7, Happy Hunting Adventurers!
fiernaq wrote:More info on writing a signature:
Signatures currently have a 255 character limit but the way characters are counted is not entirely intuitive and there are ways to write a "longer" signature if you know how characters are counted. The following is a complete and thoroughly tested explanation for how this forum's signature editor counts characters.
1) Spaces and Carriage Returns (Enter) each count as 1 character. The following signature is 256 chars long even though there are only 205 actual characters present along with 26 spaces and 25 carriage returns.2) Most tags count as 1 character for each tag (1 for opening tag and 1 for closing tag). This includes [b], [i], [u], [code], [list] and [list=X], [img], [url], [spoiler], [strike], all of the preceding tags in closing style [/tag], and [*].
3) There appear to be two special tags: [size=#] and [color=#######]. Size has integer limits of 1 to 200 and color has hexadecimal limits of 000000 to FFFFFF. Provided the tags follow those limits, they count for 1 character total including the closing tag. Any text enclosed in those tags counts for 0 characters unless there is a space somewhere in the text inside that tag, then the text counts for the full standard 1 char = 1 char and both the opening size or color tag and the closing size or color tag count for 1 char each.Do note that the above reference guide utilizes zero-width-spaces so that you can see the tags how they would look while editing but that also makes them non-copyable unless you remove the zero-width-spaces first. Hope this helps someone out. Try not to abuse the system and be careful about the width of your signature when using text without spaces. This is especially noticeable on mobile devices but you can simulate the problem by shrinking your browser to look more like what it would look like on a cell phone or tablet to verify that your signature doesn't make the forum look ugly.
Here's my complete signature as an example. To view tags simply quote this message and you'll see how it's written.