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Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:12 am
by Oet
Hi there fellow adventures.
To start off, I'd like to say that it's been a long time since i saw a community this loving and caring, so a big hug to you all future friends.

I got introduced to Andors Trail a few days back by my uncle. I started playing AT right away and got in love.
This far, I'm only lvl 6 (due to my phone beeing buggy and messes up all the time). So to the questions:

I need to leave my phone to get repaired. Is there some way to save my adventure so it wont dissapear if they re-install my phone?
If so - is there any way I can keep playing on my laptop, with some emulator or something?

Game questions:
Most of my quests is too hard for me, am I ahead of myself or just have a bad build? The quests are "Fallen friends" and "Missing pieces". I kinda get killed by those monsters. I can take on a few, then I have to flee. My only skill is on Treasure Hunter. I now understand it was a quite bad chioce after spending a few hours at the AT forum, but that can't affect THAT much when I get unconsious trying to make a quest?

About my buggy phone.
It would be lovely to not have to turn in my phone to get repaired. I'd rather fix it myself. But after endless Google-searching for a solution I wont fiund any. Just gonna describe what's wrong and leave it here in case someone knows.

It clicks by itself all the time. On the bottom half of the screen. It will spam click and drag, all in a very straight line (i checked by starting a drawing app). It's kinda impossible for me to navigate on my phone since it clicks like 5 times a second and does whatever it wants.

Thanks for a lovely game and a helping community.


Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:00 am
by Zukero
Hello Oet. Welcome to the forums, and thanks for your well written first post !

For your saves, if your phone has a micro sd card, they will be in the andors-trail folder of your card, and will not be crushed by a reflash of your phone. You can make a backup of them on a computer anyway.
Otherwise, you can still save them by copying them over usb or bluetooth or whatever. Try the "es file explorer" app for non usb copies.

Playing on an emulator is possible but performance is really awful, even if your pc is a beast... don't do it.

For your game questions, others will help better, but IMHO, lv6 is still low, so its just normal you have trouble with some quests. I suggest reading the forums, trying things in game, then start a new character until you find your favorite playstyle.

Happy hunting !

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:04 pm
by Oet
Zukero, thank you for your reply.

I did download something called BlueStacks where I downloaded AT and made a new save from the beginning. I think I will play AT through BlueStacks instead of my phone, at least for a while.
And for the record: It's not laggy at all, and I did this on my laptop, that got some very poor hardware.

And again, thank you.

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:05 pm
by ionsedfisheads
I'm currently rocking Ionisedfisheads Mk.4, so know your pain. The only good advice to give would be keep chewing on those doggies and wasp things, then run in & out of Snake Cave - south of Crossglen - until you're able to hunt bigger, bader beasties.

Go forth and be beastly to the wildlife!

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:12 pm
by sorrow
If your Lvl 6 play in the rats cave.. I suggest doing this
rat cave wasp ants rabid pups rest and repeat.
Also if u have meat save them up once you hit 100 meat sell them

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:23 am
by tom1250tom
When I was a new player the biggest help for me was always having a meat sustenance running while I was in battle, it seems little but +2hp every round adds up fast. And I agree with sorrow the rat cave is best for u, then there is a small 2level hole east of the rat cave that's a good xp mix up when get bored of the rat cave :)

Go forth and grow strong!

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:26 am
by Covenant
The only other advice I'd give (aside from what everyone else has already said) is to start early with the concept of "Grinding" (endless walking around and kill the same creeps over and over and over and over again just to get more money and experience to level up). With the Rat cave in Crossglen: walk in, kill until your health is low, leave, sleep in your bed, go back, do it again. Also, I find that once you're at a high enough level to kill creeps in 2-3 hits (rats in this case), keep going for another couple of levels - don't leave yet and find another place with more powerful creeps yet: use your immense advantage over the current creeps (which now appear to be weak to you since you've leveled up a few times) and keep at it. You end up killing them so fast that you level up in about as much time as you would with more powerful creeps, but without the hassles of constantly using your Meat (or other sustenance items) or sleeping in a bed. Saves money.

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:31 am
by Oet
Thank you friends for your response!
I've reached level 7 on my new save here on my emulator. I feel a lot stronger on this save.
tom1250tom wrote: then there is a small 2level hole east of the rat cave
Do you mean the one with the quest guy above the pit? If not, I am curious about what hole you mean and will begin my search.

Another question now after some thinking:
Dual wielding. Pros/cons? I really feel like that is my playstyle, but I can't think of some great benefits from it.

Let's say I have 10 AP. I have a one hand that costs 5 AP = 2 hits per turn.
If i dualwield 2 swords with 5 AP each (implied they got the same damage), i would still do as much damage as with a sword and a shield?

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:50 am
by Covenant
I'm a huge fan of dual wielding. Pros: Higher Attack Damage, stacking the bonus effects (such as Critical Skill or Multiplier), typically makes use of weapons with lower Actions Points (3,4) so you get in more hits on creeps each round. Cons: can't equip a shield or use a two handed weapon. Also, you can always change your mind later and also skill up the other weapon styles (two-handed, sword+shield, etc). Once you get the Venomous Dagger from the Snake Cave (which is typically the first dungeon you face, aside from rate cave), dual wield that with the best other sword you can get (Fine Iron Sword). That will do you for about 10-15 levels. Once you've completed Flagstone prison, you might have Flagstones Pride - probably one of the best swords in the game and is great for dual wielding.

And to directly answer your question, the actual number of actions points needed to attack while dual wielding is simply the value of the higher of the two, you don't add them up. So a 5 AP Sword with a 4 AP Dagger means each attack will take 5 AP. But the attach damage for each of those turns in the stacked value of both weapons.

-------------------------------Combined posts-------------------------------------------------

My fav weapons for dual wield are:
Flagstone's Pride + Dagger of Shadow Priest (very good for critical hit building) or Blade of the Defiler (another good critical hitting blade)
2 x Quick Strike Dagger (not a very high attack damage, but total AP is 3, so you can get in heaps of hits each round)
2 x Balanced Steel Sword (I think it's the highest attack damage combo in the game, but no possibility of critical hits at all).
If you're going this route (dual wield), spend most of your stat increases while leveling up on the +3 Block Chance options, makes your character less squishy (since you don't have a shield to help with that).
-----------------------------------Combined posts------------------------------------------
Oh, and by the way, always have this hand: Interactive World Map - best one I found so far.

Re: Beginners question and worries

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:11 am
by Oet
Wow, thank you for the great answare, this really made me certain to pick dual wielding!
Covenant wrote:Once you get the Venomous Dagger from the Snake Cave
I have been a lot in that cave, farming meat, but no sign of a dagger? Is there a related quest or just a low drop rate?

Also, I do recall reading something about wearing weapons with crit chance without not having crit is useless. Is there a skill you have to unlock before you have the ability to actually use the crit stat?

---------------------Combined posts---------------------------------------------------------
And also, Covenant, thanks for the map. It's bookmarked!