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New Years revolution?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:05 pm
by mspowerplant
I was just wondering if anyone has a New years revolution there going to implement in 2014?
being in the business Im in we deal with them every year.. If your resolution is to get fit make sure the fitness centre of gym you pick offers temp or open ended contracts otherwise you may be paying for something you might not uses.

My resolution is to life my life the way I want and to take time out to relax!
it doesn't have to be a big resolution but one you think you can keep!

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:10 pm
by Oet
Going to stop smoke in January.

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:10 pm
by mspowerplant
good one oet!
the uses of revolution was on purpose to people!
take the world make what you want yours. wage a war have your on revolution!!

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:04 am
by Oet
mspowerplant wrote:good one oet!
the uses of revolution was on purpose to people!
take the world make what you want yours. wage a war have your on revolution!!
Strong words from a strong woman :lol:

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:18 am
by rijackson741
Oet wrote:Going to stop smoke in January.
Been there, done that, many years ago. It's not easy. I can maybe give you some tips though, based on my own experience (which, unlike the experiences of some others, was successful ;) ).

1) It's not easy.
2) It's not easy. Sorry for harping on that point, but you have to go into this knowing that it will be a battle. How much of a battle depends on how many you smoke. For the rest of the tips I'll assume it's enough that this process will hurt.
3) Don't say you will stop in January. Say you will start the process of stopping in January. Going "cold turkey" does not have a good success rate unless you don't smoke much in the first place.
4) Part of the addiction is physical, part is habit (i.e mental). The habit part is actually a lot of it. Think about when you smoke. I bet a lot is tied to places or events. With a beer in a bar? After a coffee? When stuck in traffic? After dinner?
5) Break the habits first. I identified the times and places I smoked out of habit, and then I forbade myself to smoke at any of those times or places. I could live with that, because I knew I could smoke later. It wasn't pleasant, but it was doable. I did that for about 6 months, until I no longer felt a habitual need to smoke at those times or places.
6) Next break the physical addiction. I went on "the patch". It helped, but it was no cake walk. Anything that helps is good though.
7) It's not easy, but it gets easier. After you have done two weeks of kicking the habits, when you really want to smoke tell yourself "I just did the worst two weeks, and if I cave in now I will have to do that again".
8) It's not easy, but it gets easier. I can't emphasize this enough. After you have done two weeks of kicking the physical addiction, there will be times you feel a strong urge to smoke. Tell yourself "I just did the worst two weeks, and if I cave in now I will have to do that again". Trust me, the urge will subside. Just ride it out.
9) If you have friends that also smoke, that is going to make it much harder. You have to persuade them that even if they are not going to give up themselves, they must support your attempt to do so. It's not enough for them to not offer you a smoke. They must refuse to give you one, even if you ask. No matter what. If they are not willing to do that then you need better friends ;)
10) It's not easy. PM me if you need other advice or support :)

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:05 am
by Oet
rijackson741 wrote:
Oet wrote:Going to stop smoke in January.
Been there, done that, many years ago. It's not easy. I can maybe give you some tips though, based on my own experience (which, unlike the experiences of some others, was successful ;) ).

1) It's not easy.
2) It's not easy. Sorry for harping on that point, but you have to go into this knowing that it will be a battle. How much of a battle depends on how many you smoke. For the rest of the tips I'll assume it's enough that this process will hurt.
3) Don't say you will stop in January. Say you will start the process of stopping in January. Going "cold turkey" does not have a good success rate unless you don't smoke much in the first place.
4) Part of the addiction is physical, part is habit (i.e mental). The habit part is actually a lot of it. Think about when you smoke. I bet a lot is tied to places or events. With a beer in a bar? After a coffee? When stuck in traffic? After dinner?
5) Break the habits first. I identified the times and places I smoked out of habit, and then I forbade myself to smoke at any of those times or places. I could live with that, because I knew I could smoke later. It wasn't pleasant, but it was doable. I did that for about 6 months, until I no longer felt a habitual need to smoke at those times or places.
6) Next break the physical addiction. I went on "the patch". It helped, but it was no cake walk. Anything that helps is good though.
7) It's not easy, but it gets easier. After you have done two weeks of kicking the habits, when you really want to smoke tell yourself "I just did the worst two weeks, and if I cave in now I will have to do that again".
8) It's not easy, but it gets easier. I can't emphasize this enough. After you have done two weeks of kicking the physical addiction, there will be times you feel a strong urge to smoke. Tell yourself "I just did the worst two weeks, and if I cave in now I will have to do that again". Trust me, the urge will subside. Just ride it out.
9) If you have friends that also smoke, that is going to make it much harder. You have to persuade them that even if they are not going to give up themselves, they must support your attempt to do so. It's not enough for them to not offer you a smoke. They must refuse to give you one, even if you ask. No matter what. If they are not willing to do that then you need better friends ;)
10) It's not easy. PM me if you need other advice or support :)
Thank you for those tips! They will come in handy. I will start with the "5" asap, because I feel like the habits are the strongest ones.

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:23 am
by mspowerplant
great advice rijackson741 I couldn't have said it better myself
I quit 8yrs ago but I still sometimes feel like a smoke it passes quite fast tho

good luck oet! now if I was actually as strong as I look :D lol

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:46 am
by sorrow
Lets see get my licence get my house finished start working and start working out... oh wait you said new year resolution not things that will happen next year... a good way to quit smoking.... make sure you don't have the money for smokes... best way to beat the habit is to not afford it.

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:03 am
by Pyrizzle
Mine is something i think i can accomplish.

To master Helicopter tosses again... Well not the tosses, i have that part down; it's the catching it part that i have been off on lately.

Re: New Years revolution?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:29 pm
by mspowerplant
Pyrizzle wrote:Mine is something i think i can accomplish.

To master Helicopter tosses again... Well not the tosses, i have that part down; it's the catching it part that i have been off on lately.
That's one thing I wouldn't want to learn. :shock: me and fire just don't mix
Good luck Pyrizzle!