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Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by reizy »

QQkp wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:45 am Mapping changes are much more complicated, though, since the layer encoding isn't easy to digest in a diff.
Unfortunately yes. May be we need some map comparator...
QQkp wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:45 am As an example, coincidentally, I do have conflicting edits in wild18 and wild19 right now, so I'll duplicate those changes in my ATCS project. (Good catch on those, by the way! Did you detect them programmatically, or stumble across them by manual inspection?)
Programmatically while making Andor's Trail Directory 2
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Nut »

At the moment I'd prefer to get map bugs as a screen shot. That way we can easily judge if it is really a bug and fix it in ATCS.
A PR for map bugs would be much more work.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by reizy »

Nut wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:55 pm At the moment I'd prefer to get map bugs as a screen shot
It looks like this in Tiled
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Nut »

I wouldn't see the walkable layer displayed in Tiled as a bug. In some phase of development it even helps to get it displayed like this as default.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by QQkp »

The problem on this one isn't that Walkable is visible - that big red X thing is actually in the Walkable layer. It seems in wild18/wild19/wild20, there are a few spots where the layer references a nonexistent tileid.

I commented in the PR directly (sorry, to clarify for reizy, I'm atsymboldot on github), but to be clear, I've merged these changes to the appropriate development projects so they'll be included in the next release (or maybe release after).
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Re: Development

Post by Einsame Hirte »

Zukero wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:09 pm
[*] Install an android IDE : for example the eclipse ADT bundle or the new Android Studio based on IntelliJ Idea. I recommend the Eclipse ADT bundle.
These two links now redirect to the same page (https://developer.android.com/studio). This post was in 2014... is Eclipse still the recommended IDE? I'm new to Android development and just figuring this stuff out.

I installed the latest Android Studio, but it's having trouble finding the Manifest file when I try to build... seems like it expects it in the project root. Still digging through the development guides :)
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by rijackson741 »

Eclipse is dead. I'll edit that. Get AS 2.3.3 from here: https://developer.android.com/studio/archive

Edit: do not use a later version, and do not update the project to gradle. We don't yet support it.

Latest sources are here: https://github.com/AndorsTrailRelease/andors-trail
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Einsame Hirte »

Okay, that worked, I have an apk! Haven't tested it yet, but so far so good.

Got a boatload of compiler warnings (all or mainly about deprecated features), and it kept dying during linking (or whatever its called in java). Solved that by downgrading the build tools to 25.0.3 as suggested at in this Stack Overflow article (it seems the old versions of AS still come with the latest SDK and tools). You might want to put that in the guide.

While trying to solve the problem, I also downgraded to Android SDK version 29 (target in the manifest) from the version 30 that was included, but that might not have been necessary.

If you're updating the pinned build instructions, the next post by Zukero also focuses on Eclipse. And the link to the wiki that he refers to doesn't work. When I checked the wiki directly at docs.andorstrail.com, the Development Environment Setup page is blank.
Zukero wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:09 pm The wiki has a tutorial for that too (it is right here), but I tried to follow it step by step at first, and found some steps to be missing, and it is based on the new Android Studio by google, based on IntelliJ Idea.
I found Android Studio to be not mature enough yet, and I have over 10 years of experience with eclipse, so I prefer using the eclipse ADT bundle. This guide will be based on this tool.
Update: The apk started up in the emulator! My first Android build! Thanks for the help!
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by rijackson741 »

I'll leave Zukero's personal opinion about eclipse as is, since although it's out of date it is (or was) his opinion.
The wiki was causing a drag on the hosting server for some reason. Since someone was originally nice enough to host it for us for free, we then had to remove it.
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Re: Contributing to Andor's Trail - Contribution Guide

Post by Zukero »

I really don't mind if you (the dev team) edit my posts for this guide (or any other "informative" or "reference" post of mine) in order to update the information. A notice of who edited what post and why would be nice, but whatever helps people contribute to the game is fine by me.
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