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Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:25 pm
by EisSpray
Hi Ladies,
i grinded up to level 21 now and am equipped well for this level imo:
Quickstrike Dagger and Flagstones Pride, vacors boots of attack, villain's ring, polished ring of backstabbing, jewel of fallhaven, villain's leather armour, heavy steel skullcap, Strong wooden Tower shield, troubelmaker's gloves.

I tried to reach some higher areas, but i makes no sense to hunt there or doing quests since i have to spend a lot of pots right now. So i am grinding in gargoyls caves for Ring of lesser shadow.

Is there anything else i should do in my level range? Any trader to reach which will sell me better equip? I tried with search function, but got no answer...

Kind regards


Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:01 pm
by rijackson741
Have you completed all the quests originating in Crossglen, Falhaven, Vilegard, Loneford, and the guard house?

Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:54 am
by EisSpray
yes, as far as i can see, i completed all quests which are completable now...
yday i tried to reach BWM, its not that hard. since i couldnt decide if i should join BW or Prim i was going back to gargoyls cave and farm for RolS.
Sadly i recognized that the second Combat speed level is learnable only @ lvl 30... 6 lvls to go now.
1 Skill point to spend. Any Ideas? Is Magic Finder skill worth it? Another choice would be Regeneration. Or go for any weapon mastery? So much decisions to make... hate it ;)


Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:40 pm
by rijackson741
I personally consider 1 level of Regeneration a must have, because then you can stand in a corner and heal with no potions. As for Magic Finder, it depends on how badly you want to get legendary or extraordinary items, none of which are necessary to complete the game.

Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:21 pm
by Duke
Regen skill is nice, but IF is really good and you can only get every so often, so a lot of people take IF whenever they can, and I see that you have already taken one level, good for you, taking another two or three is usually the minimum levels people take.
And then you need to take your 2nd level of Combat Speed at level 30, so you need to save your level 28 skill point for that, otherwise you can't get it until level 32.

Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:33 pm
by tony
im lost on the search for andor? on the illness in loneford i tryed to talk to the drunk one time and now im lost?? :( lol but im am at lest leave 50

Re: Lvl 20+, what to do now?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:06 pm
by rijackson741
Do you mean Landa? Did he say anything about Buceth?