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Andor's Trail Content Studio [ATCS] - Win/Mac/Linux Content Editor

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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by noamik »

Zukero: you could add a configuration where the user can define the executables to use with the files to edit them. So one could link tiled for tmx and gimp/ps/paint/what-ever for the spritemaps.

Additionally you could use the defaults of the operating system, if the user hasn't configured anything yet: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5503 ... ed-program
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Moerit »

Want to add a compliment: I really like that you are able to see which ressources (in first point images) are used where. This way developers could user the still unused tiles to make ATs world more colored :)
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by rijackson741 »

Some bugs:
Open the Greataxe of Shattered Hope in a tab, and copy the JSON code. Select "Import JSON data", paste in the code, and create a new item. The item category has not been imported, and therefore none of the stats show. If you select the category, the stats show, but the actor condition has not been imported correctly (it says "new, undefined actor condition effect").

Go back to the original greataxe tab, and click the button "alter". It closes the tab for the original, and sends you to the imported version. I would prefer that it did not close the original tab, so that it's easier to compare old and new. So go back to the original greataxe and open it in a tab again. The button now says "go to altered". Close the tab for the imported version, and delete it from the project. The button on the tab for the original greataxe still says "go to altered", and if you click on it nothing happens.

Also a couple of feature requests:
I can shift or control select multiple items in the list. If I hit the del key, nothing happens though. Also, if I then right click it changes my selection to only the one item, so although I can now choose "delete", it's only one item at a time. Could you please allow the deletion of multiple items at once (this is also a problem in the online editor!).

Are there plans for a table view of items? I am currently comparing a large number of items, and the only realistic way to do it is in a table view. An option to export the table to a csv file would be nice too :)
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Zukero »

Thanks for your feedback rijackson741. The category import bug has revealed nastier than it looked, but proved easy to solve. The actor condition one was solved even before your post ;)
For you "alteration" issues, I'm thinking about placing under Altered the imported/created objects whose ID already exists under AT Source. Changing their IDs afterwards would move them to Created. In the same way, changing a Created one's ID to a value already present under source would move them to altered. The move would occur upon saving the object and after a prompt. What do you think of that ?

The multi delete thing is under construction.

The table view/csv export is planned, but after dialogues tree view.

Thanks for using ATCS !
Lvl: 78, XP: 8622632, Gold: 271542, RoLS: 1, ElyR: -, RoL: -, ChaR: 1, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 1, SRoV: 1, VSH: 1, WMC: 1, GoW: 1
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by rijackson741 »

Zukero wrote:For you "alteration" issues, I'm thinking about placing under Altered the imported/created objects whose ID already exists under AT Source. Changing their IDs afterwards would move them to Created. In the same way, changing a Created one's ID to a value already present under source would move them to altered. The move would occur upon saving the object and after a prompt. What do you think of that ?
I think that's a very good idea. It didn't seem logical that when I created a copy of an object using the "Alter" button the copy was in one place, but when I created it by copying and pasting the JSON code it was somewhere else. This would be a perfect fix.
Zukero wrote:The multi delete thing is under construction.
Thanks :D
Zukero wrote:The table view/csv export is planned, but after dialogues tree view.
OK, thanks for the info. Maybe I'll expand a little on what I see as an "ideal" table. Actually, it's very close to what Richard Faila has on his web site. I can collect all the objects of one type into a group, which makes it very easy to compare them, or to compare a new item to the ones that already exist. All the relevant stats are visible at a glance. Then I can sort by any particular statistic. I'll note that on Richard's site, when I sort by one statistic, then by a second, for any items for which the second statistic is equal, they are still sorted by the first statistic. Not all sort algorithms do this, but it's nice. It would be nice to be able to load such a table view on it's own tab, where it could be used as reference. If I could do all of that in a table view I think the csv export would be a low priority. I would still use it, because it would be an easy way to export stats to software that I could use to perform calculations on them, but I suspect I am in a distinct minority in that regard :ugeek:
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Ian »

Hey Kevin, it is great your project is moving forward! :D
I've just had another idea in mind: If you head over to the content editor on the web and to the tab where the items are located, there is a button for browsing the previous or next item. Can you please create such a button for every section of content in your desktop version and maybe for the tmx files in your editor as well?
Mapmaker for Andor's Trail
Lvl: 73, XP: 6655552, Gold: 327905, RoLS: -, ElyR: -, RoL: -, ChaR: 1, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 2, SRoV: 1, VSH: 1, WMC: 1, GoW: 1
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Zukero »

New version posted ! Check out the links in the first post.

Main new feature: the editor for TMX maps offers useful features.

No multi-delete thing, no table view, and alas, no dialogue tree yet. I've been experimenting with a lib that has been mostly disappointing so far. Wasted time.
@Ian, you get your prev/next items buttons. But they only work within the same "folder". They will not drive you from a created item to an altered one.
@rijackson741, the items moving between created and altered when their ID is changed exists, but is a draft (no prompt, but a notification in the lower part of the window) and has bugs (alter an existing item, then change its id to one already existing in "created", and you get two items with the same ID under "created". Boo boo.....). As a side note, normally any Java table is copy-pastable in a spreadsheet software like libreoffice, openoffice or excel. You can try that with the table in the quest editors, that should give you an idea of how the csv export could be done without coding it :D

Next priorities:
- Multi-delete and other improvements to the project tree popup menu
- Enhanced saving mechanism, including the typical "save or discard" on exiting the app when there is unsaved data.
- Dialogue tree (actually a dialogue graph to be precise)
- Export package generation (create a zip that can be applied on a game source folder to include created/altered resources).
- Balancing tools (compare two elements, display all elements in a sortable table).
- A menu bar on top of the app, when there will be a large enough number of options.
Lvl: 78, XP: 8622632, Gold: 271542, RoLS: 1, ElyR: -, RoL: -, ChaR: 1, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 1, SRoV: 1, VSH: 1, WMC: 1, GoW: 1
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Ian »

Awesome! :D I'm gonna check the new version out very soon!

And it's great you want to include some previous / next buttons! It's fine by me that you won't be able to switch folders with these buttons. Thanks in advance! :)
Mapmaker for Andor's Trail
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by rijackson741 »

Thanks. I'll try it out.

Edit: I have the list of items I created by copy and paste under "created". If I click on "save" for one item it moves the item to "altered". However, if I click on "save" on a second item it fails to move it. If I go to altered and get rid of the first item by selecting "revert to original" then I can once again move one item (but only one) from "created" to "altered".
Level:75, XP:7656192, PV:866, FQ:105
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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi

Post by Ian »

Okay now i have finally got some time to test your new version!

I especially like the new features of the tmx editor like being able to display the monsters/ mapchange areas/ signs and so on.
The "elements linking to this one" feature is very helpful as well.
And thanks for implementing the next/ previous buttons! :)

Some issues/ bugs I noticed:
-you can't add rewards and requirements in the dialogue section
-the price of a certain item isn't shown so far
-the experience of a certain monster isn't displayed so far

Other than that, your program works quite well!
Mapmaker for Andor's Trail
Lvl: 73, XP: 6655552, Gold: 327905, RoLS: -, ElyR: -, RoL: -, ChaR: 1, GoLF: 1, ShaF: 2, SRoV: 1, VSH: 1, WMC: 1, GoW: 1
HP: 58, AC: 260%, AD: 52-62, AP: 3, ECC: -, CM: -, BC: 164%, DR: 1
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