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Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:40 pm
by Zukero
v0.3.1 released !
New feature dedicated to rijackson741: the comparator tables, showing all Items or NPCs in a convenient table, copy-pastable to spreadsheet software.
One bugfix.
See OP.
Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:56 pm
by Ian

I like the frequency of the updates. This kind of compensates the update time of AT.

Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:00 pm
by Zukero
I forgot something.
The ATCS source code has now reached over 20 000 lines of code

Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:12 am
by rijackson741
Zukero wrote:New feature dedicated to rijackson741: the comparator tables, showing all Items or NPCs in a convenient tables, copy-pastable to spreadsheet software.

I am looking forward to trying it out.
Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:02 pm
by Ian
Zukero wrote:I forgot something.
The ATCS source code has now reached over 20 000 lines of code

Wow, not bad.

Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:03 pm
by Zukero
v0.3.2 released !
You can now export your project in a convenient zip file, easy to integrate with existing AT source.
A menu bar was added to complement the right-click menu.
Many bugs were fixed.
We're getting closer to feature completeness. There isn't much of what I originally imagined left to do.
That means that in a not too distant future, I'll release v0.9, which will be dedicated to bug hunting before v1.0.
In the mean time, I used what became v0.3.2 to debug the Elythara quest, a long and complex set of quests written by someone who doesn't seem to show up anymore, and which was completely broken, yet fixable.
Trying to fix that quest was what pushed me on the road to create ATCS, and I'm glad to say that, at least for me, this goal is reached. It made me use ATCS the way I intend content creators to use it, and helped me discover/fix a few bugs.
I can't imagine using the online content editor on a desktop/laptop computer anymore
It also works quite well as an offline alternative to
Richard Faila's
Andor's Trail directory. Except there's no worldmap view (yet).
I hope you'll like it.
Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:16 pm
by Zukero
v0.3.3 released !
When writing the previous post and mentioning the lack of worldmap compared to Richard Faila's directory, it just made me want to code it. So I did. It's not completely finished though, as there is no support for town names display/edition yet, nor the UI element to create new world map segments from scratch.
What you can do is:
- View a zoomable worldmap, use the slider on the left to change zoom level, from 5% to 250%, by increments of 5%. You can also move around the map by dragging it around.
- Select a map by clicking on it, open the map editor for it by double clicking, and select more than one map by crtl+click or shift+click.
- Once happy with your selection, select the "Move maps" button above, and start dragging your whole selection around.
- Select the "Delete map" button, and every map you'll click will be removed.
- Select the "Add map" button, select a map in the combo, move your cursor around the worldmap, and left click to place the new map.
These maps are rendered directly from the actual maps definition, not some "screenshots" like in the game, so you'll get to see all the details if you zoom hard. This has one major drawback: at low zoom levels, the "world1" segment (the main worldmap) is painfully slow to render.
Enjoy !
Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 2:10 pm
by rijackson741
I just got back, and finally downloaded the latest version. I've only spent a couple of minutes looking at it, and I have to say that you have done a great job! The dialogue tree is really nice. Everything is there, in one zoomable view, so it's easy to see the structure even if it's really large and complex. The comparison tables are going to be really useful in the near future too. Great work

Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:17 pm
by DanielS
I hope that it won't be a stupid question: is it possible to make or change translation with ATCS?
Re: Andor's Trail Content Studio - Win/Mac/Linux Content Edi
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:31 pm
by Zukero
@DanielS: this is nowhere near stupid, but the answer is easy to find. So far, no, ATCS is not made for translation.
I've been thinking about that lately though, as I think it could integrate well with the UI. However, I like the fact that the current translation system is online and allows for anyone to work on a centralized repo, which cannot be easily replicated in ATCS.
See, this is one of the cases where I am still fighting with myself to find the right answer. If you and other translators show some interest in being able to translate AT in ATCS, I'll certainly end up doing it.